Thursday, October 31, 2019

Critique of published work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Critique of published work - Essay Example In certain aspects, the article did a great job helping to fully explain the effects of advertisement positioning, but it left much more to be answered. While it did answer many questions, like whether earlier placement of an advertisement makes it more memorable, and why they are more memorable (primal retention 1). But, the study seemed centered around college students, which although are part of the largest group of television viewers, they arent always the ones who pay the most attention to television advertisements 2. Many advertisements are geared towards teenagers but its generally those in their thirties and forties who make most of the purchases which are advertised on television. Thusly, more studies should be shown how these advertisements effect the main product purchasers, because Im fairly sure that many companies have thought of the overall "man with the money". Also, authentic recordings of actual television shows with commercials already in them, although they might be a loose control 3, they could help to provide a more authentic view of how past approaches have worked. In this way, it could be possible to understand how advertisements wholly effect the entire consumer body, not just a particular group, but Im getting ahead of myself here. We should discuss the research processes used and the idea behind the whole study. The group of scientists used various methods to help research the effects of advertising in television. Basically, they used a simple but effective strategy which mixed the use of two separate lists of fifteen second commercials, and two lists of thirty second commercials. They then brought in various groups of college students to sit through the commercials, and without telling them, asked them to write down all of the brands which they remembered throughout the experiment. This was only the first experiment however. With the second and third,

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Job application Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Job application - Essay Example My leadership qualities have always made me succeed in all projects that I have taken so far, and I am proud to say that I can be an effective worker for your teams on the basis of my personal capabilities. The chief personal quality that I possess is that I can effectively communicate with the customers, due to which they rely on me, and come back to the company again and again. For me, efficient business communication is the key to organizational success. The second quality that I possess is that, I like working in teams, and do not feel uncomfortable working with my partners. I believe that a good team worker should be compromising and helpful toward other team members. My third quality, which is very important in professional field, is that I am very proficient in computer usage, especially in MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Hence, relying on my personal and professional capabilities, I believe that I am best suited for this

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Prison Life History And Today

Prison Life History And Today Prison deals with prisoners from all kinds of backgrounds. Every prisoner has different problems and there are a range of services on offer to help them while in prison to prepare them for their eventual release. Prison is a place used for confinement of convicted criminals (Gaines, Miller, 2009). Aside from the death penalty, a sentence to prison is the harshest punishment imposed on criminals in the United States. On the federal level, imprisonment or incarceration is managed by the Federal Bureau of Prisons, a federal agency within the department of justice (Gaines, Miller, 2009). State prisons are supervised by a state agency such as a department of corrections. Confinement in prison, also known as a penitentiary or correctional facility, is the punishment that courts most commonly impose for serious crimes, such as felonies. For lesser crimes, courts usually impose short term incarceration in a jail, detention center, or similar facility (Gaines, Miller, 2009). Prison life of the 1700s of an accused was not as strict. There were windows that the prisoners could look through in order to solicit for charity from the people walking by, and sometimes prisoners would be allowed to sell things at the prison gates (Prison life, 2011). Although there are many differences between the life of a prison in the 1700s and the life of a prisoner today, there are also many similarities. Each accused individual was captured by the police and taken to the nearest holding cell (Prison life, 2011). These cells were in prisons called local prisons. The individual was then let free or convicted of his or her crime. If convicted, the individual was taken to the closest common prison (Prison life, 2011). During the 1700s there were only local holding jails, common prisons, and houses of correction; later, during the 1800s prisons became more separated and prisoners were assigned to the appropriate prison (Prison life, 2011). The convicted were not stripped of their belongings like in todays prisons, but they were searched for weapons or objects that could be used to escape. Once inside, the prisoner was assigned a small cell made of hard walls, floors covered in dirt and rodents, and a bed (Prison life, 2011). If the prisoner was lucky, this bed consisted of a small hammock tied to opposite walls, but often times it was made of a wooden bench or the floor. For meals the prisoners were scarcely fed, but if they were, little rations of bread and water were given. Many times the prisoners died of starvation and thirst (Prison life, 2011). According to the Burlington County in New Jersey, in the 1800s when the prison was initially designed, each inmate was to have his or her own cell with a fireplace and a narrow, unglazed window placed above eye level (Prison life, 2011.)The rules of the jail directed that prisoners were to be bathed, deloused, and have their clothing fumigated, and that each cell should have a bible or prayer book to improve the soul. Individual cells, planned for felons or criminals, were arranged in sets of four, opening off a short hall at each end of the building (Prison life, 2011). These blocks of cells were to house separate groups, such as routine criminals, first offenders, or women. The bigger rooms on the main hallways were to provide accommodation the debtors, imprisoned for owing money. These were common rooms, sometimes holding three or four men at a time, although there are some records that indicate that up to 30 debtors were housed at one time in the jail(Prison life, 2011). During t heir day, debtors were to be allowed to move about the jail, working at various cleaning chores or employed in the basement workshop (Prison life, 2011). Then the dungeon or maximum-security cell was in the center of the top floor (Johnson, Wolfe, Jones, 2008). That location was carefully chosen to prevent escape by digging, to minimize communication with criminals in the cell blocks, and to ensure constant surveillance by guards making rounds. This was the only cell without a fireplace. It is flanked by niches for guards or visitors and has one very high, very small window and an iron ring in the center of the floor to which the prisoner could be chained (Johnson, Wolfe, Jones, 2008). Until 1888, the jail keeper and his wife and family would live in two rooms on the first floor of the jail. The Keepers wife was anticipated to supervise the female inmates and the Keeper was to execute the rules of the jail as devised by the prison board, which was composed of members of the freeholders. The Keeper and his family lived in these quarters until the adjacent brick house, connected by a passageway, was constructed on the corner of Grant and High Streets (Johnson, Wolfe, Jones, 2008). In keeping with the purpose designed into the structure, the basement level enclosed workshops where prisoners were expected to learn a useful trade, such as how to make brooms, baskets, or shingles (Johnson, Wolfe, Jones, 2008). The notion didnt work, given the short time most inmates spent in the jail, and over time, the workshops became used as minimum security cells. Another, less supervised pastime of the inmates that endured through the ages was prisoner graffiti (Johnson, Wolfe, Jones, 2008). Depicting humor, despair, and a belated piety, several fine examples of this art have been photo conserved and are on display throughout the building. The felons eating room, also in the basement, allowed controlled access to the exercise yard with its twenty foot wall. Outside, prisoners could tend a small garden of fresh vegetables. In one corner of the yard, an area was set aside for the gallows, which were dismantled and stored between hangings (Johnson, Wolfe, Jones, 2008). Food, linens, cleaning supplies, and craft materials were stored in the basement near the kitchen, baking, and washing facilities. Once a day, the prisoners were to be served a main meal of meat and vegetables. The other two meals were usually cooked cereals or grains. They had milk and cider to drink, as well as water (Johnson, Wolfe, Jones, 2008). One of the inmates was made chief cook, preparing all prison meals, and that inmate slept in a basement cell next to the kitchen. Large washtubs were provided for laundry and regular baths for the prisoners (Johnson, Wolfe, Jones, 2008). Also the relatively few women who were imprisoned at the beginning of the 19th century were confined in separate quarters or wings of mens prisons (Sullivan, 2006). Like the men, women suffered from filthy conditions, overcrowding, and harsh treatment. In 1838 in the New York City Jail known as the tombs, for instance, there were forty two one person cells for seventy women. In the 1920s at Auburn Penitentiary in New York, there were no separate cells for the twenty five or so women serving sentences up to fourteen years (Sullivan, 2006). They were all lodged together in a one room attic, the windows sealed to prevent communication with men. But women had to endure even more. Primary among these additional negative aspects was sexual abuse, which was reportedly a common occurrence. In 1826 a woman named Rachel Welch became pregnant while serving in solitary confinement as a punishment and shortly after childbirth she died as a result of flogging by a prison official (Sullivan, 2006). Such sexual abuse was in fact so acceptable that the Indiana state prison actually ran a prostitution service for male guards, using female prisoners (Sullivan, 2006). In addition, women received the short end of even the prison stick. Instead of spending the money to hire a matron, women were often left completely on their own, defenseless to attack by guards. Women had less access to the physician and chaplain and did not go to workshops, mess halls, or exercise yards as men did. Food was brought to their quarters, and they remained in that area for the full term of their sentence (Sullivan, 2006). As fearsome as the prison seemed, it was not escape proof. The walls were scaled and the roof penetrated many times in its history. The chosen routes to freedom seem to have been through the roof of the jail, and along the yard wall or the roof of the passageway to a place of descent. One notable escape occurred in 1875(Johnson, Wolfe, Jones, 2008). Four inmates punched a hole through the ceiling of an upper corridor cell to gain access to the roof, went down the sloping front wall and down around the woodpile beside the prison yard gate. A fifth accomplice was too large to fit through the hole and insisted at being left behind (Johnson, Wolfe, Jones, 2008). Despite a quick response by the warden, it seems that at least some of these escapees were never caught. In the Burlington County Jail, some criminals were fated to spend their last days on earth. State law mandated that criminals convicted of a capital crime were to be executed in the County in which they were found guilty, and Burlington County was no exception (Johnson, Wolfe, Jones, 2008). Several public hangings were conducted in the prison yard on a gallows erected for each occasion. Originally designed to house approximately 40 prisoners, the Burlington County Prison held over 100 inmates when they were moved to a converted armory that formerly stood behind the jail. Overcrowded conditions required yet another, larger prison which was erected in 1983(Johnson, Wolfe, Jones, 2008). The daily life in Folsom State Prison back in 1880, prisoners were woken up by an early morning bell and were dressed and beds had to be made and stand in their cell doors with their night buckets (Prison life, 2011). Once they were unlocked they marched down to the middle of the building where there was a set of steel doors that were hinged to the floor (Prison life, 2011). When they filed out for the day, they would all dump their nights waste from the bucket down a hole and then limestone would be thrown in the hole and water to flush the waste away. At dinner they would take to with them at so when the prisoner got locked up for the night again, they had their toilet with them (Prison life, 2011). During that time the prisoner would eat beans for dinner which were place on plate and not utensils were used. You had to eat with your face down in the plate and no talking was ever allowed. If you were good prisoners could earn the right to eat boiled beef and vegetables (Prison life, 2011). However if you were a con boss, which is somebody who is the boss of other prisoners, prisoner could then eat a variety of stewed meats and vegetables that were in season and use tin dishes and have utensils and talk during dinner(Prison life, 2011). Prisoners of Folsom State Prison generally worked seven and half hour days with no break. They completed their work day by early afternoon and lights out was enforced by eight o clock with no exceptions (Prison life, 2011). Another example of past prison life was in the Andersonville prison during the late 1800s; to cope with the horrible conditions within the stockade, prisoners turned to various activities (Prison life, 2011). They carved objects, sang songs, played games such as checkers and cards, read any material they could get, and wrote letters and diaries. Letters home were censored by prison officials, and many never reached their destinations. Other prisoners, intent on escape, spent time digging tunnels (Prison life, 2011). Although there are no records of successful escapes via tunnels, some men did escape, mainly from work crews when outside the prison. The horrendous living conditions at Andersonville resulted in the deaths of thousands of prisoners (Prison life, 2011). Now moving forward to current day prison life, In Arizona, the state prison system has four levels; minimum, medium, closed and maximum. As an inmate goes up in custody level, the less freedom they are allowed. A minimum custody inmate typically lives in dorm style housing units and an open yard (Ranzau, 2009). Inmates would get woken up at 5:30 a.m. and they have free rein to walk the yard, go to chow on their own at the designated times and attend any classes and work assignments they have chosen until the yard locks down for the evening at 8:30 p.m (Ranzau, 2009). A closed custody inmate lives in a two-man cell with controlled movement. Controlled movement means that officers escort the inmates anytime they leave their housing unit (Ranzau, 2009). A closed custody unit usually has a cluster of cells in a building with one control room called a pod. The control room uses a computer to access the doors to the cells though keys can be used to open cells in case of a power outage (Ran zau, 2009). This particular closed custody unit is staffed with one officer in the control room and one floor officer in charge of two pods of inmates (Ranzau, 2009). The inmates are escorted by an officer everywhere they go, either individually or as a group. They are escorted as a group to the chow hall for their meals and to the recreation field for their exercise (Ranzau, 2009). Medium custody inmates also live in a dorm style setting similar to minimum custody inmates. Medium custody inmates have some controlled movement but are not escorted by officers (Ranzau, 2009). The control room officer, only letting out certain segments of their dorm at a time to eat or go to recreation, controls the movement. There are officers on the yard to make sure the inmates get to where they are supposed to go (Ranzau, 2009). A maximum custody unit is strictly controlled. The inmates are only allowed to leave their cell one hour a day to go to a recreation pen. These inmates are fed in their cells through food traps in the door (Ranzau, 2009). These inmates are usually considered the worst type of inmate or they may need protection from the general population for information they have given staff or for something they did on the yard (Ranzau, 2009). One would think prison life everywhere would run as smoothly as this, but no. Currently at Pelican Bay State Prison in northern California there are more than 1,200 inmates, its one of the largest and oldest isolation units in the country, and its the model that dozens of other states have followed. It is a maximum security prison. Although all the inmates are in isolation, theres lots of noise such as keys rattling, toilets flushing, and inmates shouting out to each other from one cell to the next(Sullivan, 2006). Twice a day, officers push plastic food trays through the small portals in the metal doors. It is said they only contact that you have with individuals is what they call a pinky shake, which is when you stick your pinky through one of the little holes in the door. The hallways shoot out like spokes on a wheel(Sullivan, 2006). In the center, high off the floor, an officer sits at a panel of blue and red buttons controlling the doors. The officer in the booth can go an entire shift without actually seeing an inmate face to face (Sullivan, 2006). Far below, an inmate walks a few feet from his cell, through a metal door at the end of the hallway, and out into the yard. The exercise yards at Pelican Bay are about the length of two small cars. The cement walls are 20 feet high. On top is a metal grate and through the grate is a patch of sky (Sullivan, 2006). According to Sullivan, Associate Warden Williams says they dont allow inmates to have any kind of exercise equipment. Most of the time, they do push-ups. Some of them just walk back and forth for exercise. (Sullivan, 2006). It is just basically to come out, stretch their legs and get some fresh air. Each month, officers squeeze soap, shampoo and toothpaste into paper cups for the inmates (Sullivan, 2006). Even though are issued a jumpsuit, in two days at the facility, there doesnt seem to be a single prisoner wearing one. All of them are wearing their underwear, white boxer shorts, t-shirts and flip-flops (Sullivan, 2006). In the psychiatric at Pelican Bay, some inmates stand in the middle of their cell, hollering at no one in particular. Anothers bang their head against the cell door. Many of the inmates are naked, some exposing themselves. Obviously prison life can play a huge toll the mentality. One in 10 inmates in segregation was housed there. Theres even a waiting list (Sullivan, 2006). Recently in Georgia the horrible treatment and conditions of the prison made headlines. Finally fed up with bad food, unjust treatment, poor education and inadequate health care, thousands of inmates in Georgias prison system staged Lockdown for Liberty, which was a peaceful protest on Dec. 9, 2010. According to Charlene Muhammad, a national correspondent for the Final Call newspaper; all of the Black, White, and Latino inmates from Augusta, Baldwin, Hancock, Hays, Macon, Smith, and Telfair State Prisons refused to leave their cells for work and other activities, partly because they feel the Georgia Department of Corrections treats them like slaves(Muhammad, 2010). Ironically in a 2006 report, Human Rights Watch characterized conditions in Georgia prisons as appalling. Many inmates were vulnerable to degrading treatment due to overcrowding and unsanitary facilities, the report added (Muhammad, 2010). More recently, the State Departments 2008 human rights country report for Georgia noted that the countrys prisons and pre trial detention centers failed to meet international standards. It also expressed concern about Georgian Justice Ministry data that showed 94 inmates died while in custody in 2008(Muhammad, 2010). Overcrowding is a huge issue also. Today, there are approximately 20,000 prisoners in Georgia, a 300-percent increase over the past five years, according to a 2009 PRI report (Muhammad, 2010). Georgias prisons are some of the worst in the U.S. Cells are overcrowded, packing prisoners into confined spaces like sardines (Muhammad, 2010). Prisoners are forced to work, doing the maintenance and servicing of the prison for little or no pay. The guards are corrupt and violent, instigating fights between prisoners for their amusement (Muhammad, 2010). Prisoners are forced to pay outrageous costs for the most minimal health care. On top of that most prisoners are denied access to programs for education beyond obtaining a GED. Overall Georgia spends $10,000 less per year per prisoner than the national average. The lack of funding shows in how prisoners are treated. (Muhammad, 2010). Every day prison life for women differs from daily prison life for men. Unlike male inmates, women in general do not present an direct, violent physical danger to staff members and fellow inmates. In fact, hardly any female prisons report any major instances of violence (Saxena, 2008). Violence is more often than not concentrated only in male prisons. In addition, female prisons do not involve the anti authority inmate social code oftentimes established in male prisons (Saxena, 2008). In male prisons, life in prison is normally governed by mandates set forth by gang leaders. This includes no snitching, not cooperating with authorities, and attacking disloyal members. Gang activity is greatly reduced in female prisons (Saxena, 2008). Furthermore, the little bit of gang activity that does occur in female prisons doesnt end up affecting the whole infrastructure like in a male prison (Saxena, 2008). However, being restricted does cause a lot of sever anxiety and anger for many women, especially since they are separated from their families and loved ones (Gaines, Miller, 2009). Sometimes, women are in prison while pregnant and are oftentimes forced to give birth in the prison. Afterwards, their child is either instantly removed, or permitted to stay with the mother for a short period of time (Gaines, Miller, 2009). Woman can also partake in conjugal visits, but this will not make up for all the lost time. Women in prison also cope with their problems differently. Unlike men, who direct their anger outward, female prisoners tend to revert to more self destructive acts in order to deal with the situation. In fact, female inmates are much more likely than male prisoners to mutilate their own bodies and attempt suicide (Saxena, 2008). These activities include simple scratches, carving the name of their boyfriend on their body, and cutting their wrists. Wrist cutting is actually a huge concern amongst prison officials (Saxena, 2008). Blood released from wrist cutting can spread to others and drastically increase inmates and staff members risk of contracting an STD like Aids or hepatitis (Saxena, 2008). Another method utilized by female prisons for adapting to prison life is the falsehood of a make believe family (Gaines, Miller, 2009). These groups normally contain masculine and feminine figures that act as fathers, mothers, brothers, and sisters. Unceremonious marriages and divorces may even be performed (Gaines, Miller, 2009). Sometimes, an inmate may hold multiple roles. For example a woman can play a sister in one family and a wife in another. Oftentimes, gay women play the male roles (Gaines, Miller, 2009). Although an extreme difference in prison life exists between men and women, the hurt and frustration still remain the same (Gaines, Miller, 2009). What can be said, though, is that women deal with the situation differently than men. In a study conducted by Mark Fleisher in 2006, according to Heidi Cool, Fleishers research was the first cultural study ever conducted on prison rape in U.S. prisons. This study includes research that he has done over the past twenty years on prison culture. Between 2003 and 2005, Fleisher composed information about prison life rapes by interviewing 564 inmates in mens high security and womens medium and high security prisons in the United States (Cool, 2006). The controlled interviews, with open ended questions, lasted between 90 minutes to, in numerous cases, six to seven hours and generated a widespread compilation of prison slang involving sex and rape and national cultural themes about prison rape shared by inmates across the country. Fleisher figured out that prison inmate life is a culture that is determined by a need for social order and the behavioral rules of prison sexual culture is drastically different from sexual conduct rules for outside of prison (Cool, 2006). The problem of consent is complicated on so many levels but in the end, consensual sex as we know it doesnt have an equivalent meaning in prison inmate culture, he states horrible images of unsafe prisons and widespread rape. The culture of prison sexuality, as well as ideas on rape, are not simply community beliefs transported inside prisons, rather they are different beliefs and create a different social reality (Cool, 2006). There is no equivalent in inmate sexual culture thats equal to our perception of rape. Once a person enters and begins their prison life, they start reexamine their sense of sexuality; men and women who may have never before engaged in same sex relations will probably try it at some point during their sentence (Cool, 2006). Majority of same sex relations are voluntary, which means they dont have to do anything they dont want to do (Cool, 2006). However not all same sex relations are essentially deemed by inmates as homosexual relationships in the prison culture. Theres a broad range of same sex behavior but inmate culture views several acts as homosexual while other related acts are considered straight (Cool, 2006). The only true freedom they have in prison life is their sexual freedom. Another finding that surprised Fleisher according to Cool, was that in the worldview of both men and women inmates, there is a strong belief that men and women have a homosexual identity at their core and that having same sex relations in prison help them come to terms with this emergin g sexuality(Cool, 2006). As for lesbian experience for women, studies have established that even experienced inmates come across heterosexual women with husbands and children, begin same sex relations within days and weeks of their arrival but upon released return to heterosexual behavior (Cool, 2006). Both men and women inmates put in plain words that same sex relations among those different with it as curiosity (Cool, 2006). Within prison life, inmate society interprets mens slow but sure involvement in same sex behavior as getting in touch with their feminine tendencies (Cool, 2006). Inmates say that the bulk of them dont have sexual affairs but eventually an inner homosexual prevails in the life of a prisoner (Cool, 2006). Furthermore, it is very infrequent for the women to be raped or obligated into sex by male or female staff; nevertheless personal relationships can develop between sexual relations. Believe it or not female inmates state they do not participate in having sex with male or female staff members unless it benefits them in some material way (Cool, 2006). Some of the benefits may include bringing them perfume or cigarettes or giving them money, which can be used for food, soap or stamps (Cool, 2006). Within Fleishers report, women prisoners say they will not deal with unnecessary sex among them and staff, although they have been notorious to use allegations of unwanted sex to acquire a transfer or to get revenge in a against a staff member (Cool, 2006). Evidence informs us that presently over 300,000 instances of prison rape occur in a year. 196,000 are projected to happen to men in prison in addition to 123,000 are estimated to happen to the men in county jail. (Cool, 2006). Obviously life in prison has evolved for the better but yet seems to get worse for todays times. It maintains that survival of the fittest mentality and almost an updated caveman reality. Prison life will never get better unless we get over crowding under control and get better standards as to how they are ran.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Terrorism and Forces of Change :: Essays Papers

Terrorism and Forces of Change For millennia, the globe has throbbed with human loss due to acts and motivations of terrorism. Today, in the front hall of Buntrock Commons, a mural hangs above the door. Within the last 20 years, international terrorism has escalated to fantastically catastrophic proportions. Today, we look with wider eyes upon the replica of Pablo Picasso’s Guernica. One year ago, terrorists pulled our country into the reality of the world with a horrific act of violence. Grim and gripping, Guernica is now before us. What forces have changed in our world to bring this 75-year-old Spanish mural to hang in our hall with renewed significance? We have finally recognized international terrorism as part of our country’s reality. We are now forced to account for desperate acts of terrorism in real, personal terms. According to Hughes, there exist roughly nine forces of change in the political world today. As outlined in Continuity and Change in World Politics: Competing Perspectives, each force offers some inference into the reality of intercontinental dynamics. Yet this framework of forces cannot be of use without establishing a simple understanding: Where there is dissatisfaction with life prompted by greed, injustice or other source within a minority, and a specific and ruthless will among the dissatisfied to seek violence as a means of change, there will be terrorism. Modern threats to our governments today are simply the escalation of this violent will across continental boarders. In accounting for terrorism, the truly relevant and crucial questions at hand are thus: how do we prevent horrific acts of violence mot ivated by social unrest and how do we administer and alleviate the unrest? Hughes does not offer a response, but does seek to describe our political world of today. The dynamics of political demographics, food sufficiency, the transition of our energy uses, and the reactions to human choices in our environment are forces that contribute to our current global system. No number of individual inquiries into singular forces will produce a profound understanding of international terrorism. It is only when these forces are viewed in conjunction with Hughes’ forces of Global Economic Reconstructing and the Rise and fall of the Global position that a context for international terrorism emerges. The rise to power of one country through the strengthening of its economy and the profitable produce of its population can hinder or even cripple another country, thus creating turbulence among groups of people.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Starbucks Attractiveness

THE INDUSTRY ATTRACTIVE? WHY AND /WHY NOT Starbucks currently operates within three industries: Fast-Food Restaurants, Coffee and Snack Shops, and Specialty Coffees. Which are defined by NAICS (North American Industry Classification System). Although all three are separate segments Coffee and Snack Shop and Specialty Coffee basically carry various similarities. Despite this fact that this industry is somewhat narrower when compared to the fast food industry that they are also considered to be a part of, the coffee and snack shop aspect of their overall industry. Attractiveness is their bread and butter.Starbucks currently represents 32% of this industry and continues to grow, making them one of its largest players. This is the industry that they need and have focused the most on. One of the main factors of success are clearly related to their plans for global expansion because Starbucks has all but halted their domestic expansion (Global Data) and focused almost exclusively on the fo rmer. Another fact that illustrates the need to concentrate on this segment is the advancement of overall industry attractiveness their specialty coffees segment (consisting of retail store sales) only comprises 7% of their total revenue.Starbucks operates its largest segment in Fast Food Restaurant Industry, despite their relative insignificance as compared to giants like McDonald’s. It is worthwhile for them to pay close attention to this segment, because McDonald’s and Starbucks may differ in market share, but Starbucks holds a larger market share of the segment that McDonald’s wants/needs to capitalize on: Coffee. So to operate in parallel industries makes for a key success factor dependent on the level of information on competitors that also drive change.Although focusing on its most important segment, the Coffee and Snack Shop, Starbucks should also pay careful attention to this segment as well in order to achieve their optimal industry attractiveness. I h ave come up with a couple options that Starbucks could consider from the information above. First, expanding into international markets is the best way to capitalize in this industry, so continuing expansion is key. China is their primary target currently, as stated above. Continuing to seize international opportunities at a constant but steady pace would be very beneficial.Second, expanding the menu, given this, Starbucks can implement a proactive strategy that includes new and improved menu and convenience items; like, implementing deli items such as Panini’s or wraps. This would continue to further separate the Starbucks brand, which, I’ve determined is the key, in competitive markets. Third, create a new marketing strategy to grab attention. There is much more room for expansion and growth, Starbucks has only touched the available and potential global markets.With its financial strength, international experience, and long standing relationships, Starbucks can spike into an international business powerhouse in no time. However, this process must be at a steady pace. The expansion strategy must incorporate the core capabilities and advantages of the company. They must find excellent people to execute the process of expanding to a new country. The business ties they have created over the years must be used carefully, not to add too much strain on any suppliers.Expanding internationally would also force the company to rely on other markets other than the United States. Being an industry leader, many companies are benchmarking Starbucks. From relatively spending very little, the company could boost spending to include things such as TV ads and other untested marketing outlets, at least on a trial bases. This could possibly be an opportunity to expand their brand recognition, especially with the new logo. Referring back to my second suggestion and inform loyal customers of new menu items. Overall Industry Attractiveness As we have mentioned,

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Angels Demons Chapter 118-120

118 Eleven-forty-two P.M. The frenzied convoy that plunged back into the basilica to retrieve the camerlegno was not one Langdon had ever imagined he would be part of†¦ much less leading. But he had been closest to the door and had acted on instinct. He'll die in here, Langdon thought, sprinting over the threshold into the darkened void. â€Å"Camerlegno! Stop!† The wall of blackness that hit Langdon was absolute. His pupils were contracted from the glare outside, and his field of vision now extended no farther than a few feet before his face. He skidded to a stop. Somewhere in the blackness ahead, he heard the camerlegno's cassock rustle as the priest ran blindly into the abyss. Vittoria and the guards arrived immediately. Flashlights came on, but the lights were almost dead now and did not even begin to probe the depths of the basilica before them. The beams swept back and forth, revealing only columns and bare floor. The camerlegno was nowhere to be seen. â€Å"Camerlegno!† Chartrand yelled, fear in his voice. â€Å"Wait! Signore!† A commotion in the doorway behind them caused everyone to turn. Chinita Macri's large frame lurched through the entry. Her camera was shouldered, and the glowing red light on top revealed that it was still transmitting. Glick was running behind her, microphone in hand, yelling for her to slow down. Langdon could not believe these two. This is not the time! â€Å"Out!† Chartrand snapped. â€Å"This is not for your eyes!† But Macri and Glick kept coming. â€Å"Chinita!† Glick sounded fearful now. â€Å"This is suicide! I'm not coming!† Macri ignored him. She threw a switch on her camera. The spotlight on top glared to life, blinding everyone. Langdon shielded his face and turned away in pain. Damn it! When he looked up, though, the church around them was illuminated for thirty yards. At that moment the camerlegno's voice echoed somewhere in the distance. â€Å"Upon this rock I will build my church!† Macri wheeled her camera toward the sound. Far off, in the grayness at the end of the spotlight's reach, black fabric billowed, revealing a familiar form running down the main aisle of the basilica. There was a fleeting instant of hesitation as everyone's eyes took in the bizarre image. Then the dam broke. Chartrand pushed past Langdon and sprinted after the camerlegno. Langdon took off next. Then the guards and Vittoria. Macri brought up the rear, lighting everyone's way and transmitting the sepulchral chase to the world. An unwilling Glick cursed aloud as he tagged along, fumbling through a terrified blow-by-blow commentary. The main aisle of St. Peter's Basilica, Lieutenant Chartrand had once figured out, was longer than an Olympic soccer field. Tonight, however, it felt like twice that. As the guard sprinted after the camerlegno, he wondered where the man was headed. The camerlegno was clearly in shock, delirious no doubt from his physical trauma and bearing witness to the horrific massacre in the Pope's office. Somewhere up ahead, beyond the reach of the BBC spotlight, the camerlegno's voice rang out joyously. â€Å"Upon this rock I will build my church!† Chartrand knew the man was shouting Scripture – Matthew 16:18, if Chartrand recalled correctly. Upon this rock I will build my church. It was an almost cruelly inapt inspiration – the church was about to be destroyed. Surely the camerlegno had gone mad. Or had he? For a fleeting instant, Chartrand's soul fluttered. Holy visions and divine messages had always seemed like wishful delusions to him – the product of overzealous minds hearing what they wanted to hear – God did not interact directly! A moment later, though, as if the Holy Spirit Himself had descended to persuade Chartrand of His power, Chartrand had a vision. Fifty yards ahead, in the center of the church, a ghost appeared†¦ a diaphanous, glowing outline. The pale shape was that of the half-naked camerlegno. The specter seemed transparent, radiating light. Chartrand staggered to a stop, feeling a knot tighten in his chest. The camerlegno is glowing! The body seemed to shine brighter now. Then, it began to sink†¦ deeper and deeper, until it disappeared as if by magic into the blackness of the floor. Langdon had seen the phantom also. For a moment, he too thought he had witnessed a magical vision. But as he passed the stunned Chartrand and ran toward the spot where the camerlegno had disappeared, he realized what had just happened. The camerlegno had arrived at the Niche of the Palliums – the sunken chamber lit by ninety-nine oil lamps. The lamps in the niche shone up from beneath, illuminating him like a ghost. Then, as the camerlegno descended the stairs into the light, he had seemed to disappear beneath the floor. Langdon arrived breathless at the rim overlooking the sunken room. He peered down the stairs. At the bottom, lit by the golden glow of oil lamps, the camerlegno dashed across the marble chamber toward the set of glass doors that led to the room holding the famous golden box. What is he doing? Langdon wondered. Certainly he can't think the golden box – The camerlegno yanked open the doors and ran inside. Oddly though, he totally ignored the golden box, rushing right past it. Five feet beyond the box, he dropped to his knees and began struggling to lift an iron grate embedded in the floor. Langdon watched in horror, now realizing where the camerlegno was headed. Good God, no! He dashed down the stairs after him. â€Å"Father! Don't!† As Langdon opened the glass doors and ran toward the camerlegno, he saw the camerlegno heave on the grate. The hinged, iron bulkhead fell open with a deafening crash, revealing a narrow shaft and a steep stairway that dropped into nothingness. As the camerlegno moved toward the hole, Langdon grabbed his bare shoulders and pulled him back. The man's skin was slippery with sweat, but Langdon held on. The camerlegno wheeled, obviously startled. â€Å"What are you doing!† Langdon was surprised when their eyes met. The camerlegno no longer had the glazed look of a man in a trance. His eyes were keen, glistening with a lucid determination. The brand on his chest looked excruciating. â€Å"Father,† Langdon urged, as calmly as possible, â€Å"you can't go down there. We need to evacuate.† â€Å"My son,† the camerlegno said, his voice eerily sane. â€Å"I have just had a message. I know – â€Å" â€Å"Camerlegno!† It was Chartrand and the others. They came dashing down the stairs into the room, lit by Macri's camera. When Chartrand saw the open grate in the floor, his eyes filled with dread. He crossed himself and shot Langdon a thankful look for having stopped the camerlegno. Langdon understood; had read enough about Vatican architecture to know what lay beneath that grate. It was the most sacred place in all of Christendom. Terra Santa. Holy Ground. Some called it the Necropolis. Some called it the Catacombs. According to accounts from the select few clergy who had descended over the years, the Necropolis was a dark maze of subterranean crypts that could swallow a visitor whole if he lost his way. It was not the kind of place through which they wanted to be chasing the camerlegno. â€Å"Signore,† Chartrand pleaded. â€Å"You're in shock. We need to leave this place. You cannot go down there. It's suicide.† The camerlegno seemed suddenly stoic. He reached out and put a quiet hand on Chartrand's shoulder. â€Å"Thank you for your concern and service. I cannot tell you how. I cannot tell you I understand. But I have had a revelation. I know where the antimatter is.† Everyone stared. The camerlegno turned to the group. â€Å"Upon this rock I will build my church. That was the message. The meaning is clear.† Langdon was still unable to comprehend the camerlegno's conviction that he had spoken to God, much less that he had deciphered the message. Upon this rock I will build my church? They were the words spoken by Jesus when he chose Peter as his first apostle. What did they have to do with anything? Macri moved in for a closer shot. Glick was mute, as if shell-shocked. The camerlegno spoke quickly now. â€Å"The Illuminati have placed their tool of destruction on the very cornerstone of this church. At the foundation.† He motioned down the stairs. â€Å"On the very rock upon which this church was built. And I know where that rock is.† Langdon was certain the time had come to overpower the camerlegno and carry him off. As lucid as he seemed, the priest was talking nonsense. A rock? The cornerstone in the foundation? The stairway before them didn't lead to the foundation, it led to the necropolis! â€Å"The quote is a metaphor, Father! There is no actual rock!† The camerlegno looked strangely sad. â€Å"There is a rock, my son.† He pointed into the hole. â€Å"Pietro e la pietra.† Langdon froze. In an instant it all came clear. The austere simplicity of it gave him chills. As Langdon stood there with the others, staring down the long staircase, he realized that there was indeed a rock buried in the darkness beneath this church. Pietro e la pietra. Peter is the rock. Peter's faith in God was so steadfast that Jesus called Peter â€Å"the rock† – the unwavering disciple on whose shoulders Jesus would build his church. On this very location, Langdon realized – Vatican Hill – Peter had been crucified and buried. The early Christians built a small shrine over his tomb. As Christianity spread, the shrine got bigger, layer upon layer, culminating in this colossal basilica. The entire Catholic faith had been built, quite literally, upon St. Peter. The rock. â€Å"The antimatter is on St. Peter's tomb,† the camerlegno said, his voice crystalline. Despite the seemingly supernatural origin of the information, Langdon sensed a stark logic in it. Placing the antimatter on St. Peter's tomb seemed painfully obvious now. The Illuminati, in an act of symbolic defiance, had located the antimatter at the core of Christendom, both literally and figuratively. The ultimate infiltration. â€Å"And if you all need worldly proof,† the camerlegno said, sounding impatient now, â€Å"I just found that grate unlocked.† He pointed to the open bulkhead in the floor. â€Å"It is never unlocked. Someone has been down there†¦ recently.† Everyone stared into the hole. An instant later, with deceptive agility, the camerlegno spun, grabbed an oil lamp, and headed for the opening. 119 The stone steps declined steeply into the earth. I'm going to die down here, Vittoria thought, gripping the heavy rope banister as she bounded down the cramped passageway behind the others. Although Langdon had made a move to stop the camerlegno from entering the shaft, Chartrand had intervened, grabbing Langdon and holding on. Apparently, the young guard was now convinced the camerlegno knew what he was doing. After a brief scuffle, Langdon had freed himself and pursued the camerlegno with Chartrand close on his heels. Instinctively, Vittoria had dashed after them. Now she was racing headlong down a precipitous grade where any misplaced step could mean a deadly fall. Far below, she could see the golden glow of the camerlegno's oil lamp. Behind her, Vittoria could hear the BBC reporters hurrying to keep up. The camera spotlight threw gnarled shadows beyond her down the shaft, illuminating Chartrand and Langdon. Vittoria could scarcely believe the world was bearing witness to this insanity. Turn off the damn camera! Then again, she knew the light was the only reason any of them could see where they were going. As the bizarre chase continued, Vittoria's thoughts whipped like a tempest. What could the camerlegno possibly do down here? Even if he found the antimatter? There was no time! Vittoria was surprised to find her intuition now telling her the camerlegno was probably right. Placing the antimatter three stories beneath the earth seemed an almost noble and merciful choice. Deep underground – much as in Z-lab – an antimatter annihilation would be partially contained. There would be no heat blast, no flying shrapnel to injure onlookers, just a biblical opening of the earth and a towering basilica crumbling into a crater. Was this Kohler's one act of decency? Sparing lives? Vittoria still could not fathom the director's involvement. She could accept his hatred of religion†¦ but this awesome conspiracy seemed beyond him. Was Kohler's loathing really this profound? Destruction of the Vatican? Hiring an assassin? The murders of her father, the Pope, and four cardinals? It seemed unthinkable. And how had Kohler managed all this treachery within the Vatican walls? Rocher was Kohler's inside man, Vittoria told herself. Rocher was an Illuminatus. No doubt Captain Rocher had keys to everything – the Pope's chambers, Il Passetto, the Necropolis, St. Peter's tomb, all of it. He could have placed the antimatter on St. Peter's tomb – a highly restricted locale – and then commanded his guards not to waste time searching the Vatican's restricted areas. Rocher knew nobody would ever find the canister. But Rocher never counted on the camerlegno's message from above. The message. This was the leap of faith Vittoria was still struggling to accept. Had God actually communicated with the camerlegno? Vittoria's gut said no, and yet hers was the science of entanglement physics – the study of interconnectedness. She witnessed miraculous communications every day – twin sea-turtle eggs separated and placed in labs thousands of miles apart hatching at the same instant†¦ acres of jellyfish pulsating in perfect rhythm as if of a single mind. There are invisible lines of communication everywhere, she thought. But between God and man? Vittoria wished her father were there to give her faith. He had once explained divine communication to her in scientific terms, and he had made her believe. She still remembered the day she had seen him praying and asked him, â€Å"Father, why do you bother to pray? God cannot answer you.† Leonardo Vetra had looked up from his meditations with a paternal smile. â€Å"My daughter the skeptic. So you don't believe God speaks to man? Let me put it in your language.† He took a model of the human brain down from a shelf and set it in front of her. â€Å"As you probably know, Vittoria, human beings normally use a very small percentage of their brain power. However, if you put them in emotionally charged situations – like physical trauma, extreme joy or fear, deep meditation – all of a sudden their neurons start firing like crazy, resulting in massively enhanced mental clarity.† â€Å"So what?† Vittoria said. â€Å"Just because you think clearly doesn't mean you talk to God.† â€Å"Aha!† Vetra exclaimed. â€Å"And yet remarkable solutions to seemingly impossible problems often occur in these moments of clarity. It's what gurus call higher consciousness. Biologists call it altered states. Psychologists call it super-sentience.† He paused. â€Å"And Christians call it answered prayer.† Smiling broadly, he added, â€Å"Sometimes, divine revelation simply means adjusting your brain to hear what your heart already knows.† Now, as she dashed down, headlong into the dark, Vittoria sensed perhaps her father was right. Was it so hard to believe that the camerlegno's trauma had put his mind in a state where he had simply â€Å"realized† the antimatter's location? Each of us is a God, Buddha had said. Each of us knows all. We need only open our minds to hear our own wisdom. It was in that moment of clarity, as Vittoria plunged deeper into the earth, that she felt her own mind open†¦ her own wisdom surface. She sensed now without a doubt what the camerlegno's intentions were. Her awareness brought with it a fear like nothing she had ever known. â€Å"Camerlegno, no!† she shouted down the passage. â€Å"You don't understand!† Vittoria pictured the multitudes of people surrounding Vatican City, and her blood ran cold. â€Å"If you bring the antimatter up†¦ everyone will die!† Langdon was leaping three steps at a time now, gaining ground. The passage was cramped, but he felt no claustrophobia. His once debilitating fear was overshadowed by a far deeper dread. â€Å"Camerlegno!† Langdon felt himself closing the gap on the lantern's glow. â€Å"You must leave the antimatter where it is! There's no other choice!† Even as Langdon spoke the words, he could not believe them. Not only had he accepted the camerlegno's divine revelation of the antimatter's location, but he was lobbying for the destruction of St. Peter's Basilica – one of the greatest architectural feats on earth†¦ as well as all of the art inside. But the people outside†¦ it's the only way. It seemed a cruel irony that the only way to save the people now was to destroy the church. Langdon figured the Illuminati were amused by the symbolism. The air coming up from the bottom of the tunnel was cool and dank. Somewhere down here was the sacred necropolis†¦ burial place of St. Peter and countless other early Christians. Langdon felt a chill, hoping this was not a suicide mission. Suddenly, the camerlegno's lantern seemed to halt. Langdon closed on him fast. The end of the stairs loomed abruptly from out of the shadows. A wrought-iron gate with three embossed skulls blocked the bottom of the stairs. The camerlegno was there, pulling the gate open. Langdon leapt, pushing the gate shut, blocking the camerlegno's way. The others came thundering down the stairs, everyone ghostly white in the BBC spotlight†¦ especially Glick, who was looking more pasty with every step. Chartrand grabbed Langdon. â€Å"Let the camerlegno pass!† â€Å"No!† Vittoria said from above, breathless. â€Å"We must evacuate right now! You cannot take the antimatter out of here! If you bring it up, everyone outside will die!† The camerlegno's voice was remarkably calm. â€Å"All of you†¦ we must trust. We have little time.† â€Å"You don't understand,† Vittoria said. â€Å"An explosion at ground level will be much worse than one down here!† The camerlegno looked at her, his green eyes resplendently sane. â€Å"Who said anything about an explosion at ground level?† Vittoria stared. â€Å"You're leaving it down here?† The camerlegno's certitude was hypnotic. â€Å"There will be no more death tonight.† â€Å"Father, but – â€Å" â€Å"Please†¦ some faith.† The camerlegno's voice plunged to a compelling hush. â€Å"I am not asking anyone to join me. You are all free to go. All I am asking is that you not interfere with His bidding. Let me do what I have been called to do.† The camerlegno's stare intensified. â€Å"I am to save this church. And I can. I swear on my life.† The silence that followed might as well have been thunder. 120 Eleven-fifty-one P.M. Necropolis literally means City of the Dead. Nothing Robert Langdon had ever read about this place prepared him for the sight of it. The colossal subterranean hollow was filled with crumbling mausoleums, like small houses on the floor of a cave. The air smelled lifeless. An awkward grid of narrow walkways wound between the decaying memorials, most of which were fractured brick with marble platings. Like columns of dust, countless pillars of unexcavated earth rose up, supporting a dirt sky, which hung low over the penumbral hamlet. City of the dead, Langdon thought, feeling trapped between academic wonder and raw fear. He and the others dashed deeper down the winding passages. Did I make the wrong choice? Chartrand had been the first to fall under the camerlegno's spell, yanking open the gate and declaring his faith in the camerlegno. Glick and Macri, at the camerlegno's suggestion, had nobly agreed to provide light to the quest, although considering what accolades awaited them if they got out of here alive, their motivations were certainly suspect. Vittoria had been the least eager of all, and Langdon had seen in her eyes a wariness that looked, unsettlingly, a lot like female intuition. It's too late now, he thought, he and Vittoria dashing after the others. We're committed. Vittoria was silent, but Langdon knew they were thinking the same thing. Nine minutes is not enough time to get the hell out of Vatican City if the camerlegno is wrong. As they ran on through the mausoleums, Langdon felt his legs tiring, noting to his surprise that the group was ascending a steady incline. The explanation, when it dawned on him, sent shivers to his core. The topography beneath his feet was that of Christ's time. He was running up the original Vatican Hill! Langdon had heard Vatican scholars claim that St. Peter's tomb was near the top of Vatican Hill, and he had always wondered how they knew. Now he understood. The damn hill is still here! Langdon felt like he was running through the pages of history. Somewhere ahead was St. Peter's tomb – the Christian relic. It was hard to imagine that the original grave had been marked only with a modest shrine. Not any more. As Peter's eminence spread, new shrines were built on top of the old, and now, the homage stretched 440 feet overhead to the top of Michelangelo's dome, the apex positioned directly over the original tomb within a fraction of an inch. They continued ascending the sinuous passages. Langdon checked his watch. Eight minutes. He was beginning to wonder if he and Vittoria would be joining the deceased here permanently. â€Å"Look out!† Glick yelled from behind them. â€Å"Snake holes!† Langdon saw it in time. A series of small holes riddled the path before them. He leapt, just clearing them. Vittoria jumped too, barely avoiding the narrow hollows. She looked uneasy as they ran on. â€Å"Snake holes?† â€Å"Snack holes, actually,† Langdon corrected. â€Å"Trust me, you don't want to know.† The holes, he had just realized, were libation tubes. The early Christians had believed in the resurrection of the flesh, and they'd used the holes to literally â€Å"feed the dead† by pouring milk and honey into crypts beneath the floor. The camerlegno felt weak. He dashed onward, his legs finding strength in his duty to God and man. Almost there. He was in incredible pain. The mind can bring so much more pain than the body. Still he felt tired. He knew he had precious little time. â€Å"I will save your church, Father. I swear it.† Despite the BBC lights behind him, for which he was grateful, the camerlegno carried his oil lamp high. I am a beacon in the darkness. I am the light. The lamp sloshed as he ran, and for an instant he feared the flammable oil might spill and burn him. He had experienced enough burned flesh for one evening. As he approached the top of the hill, he was drenched in sweat, barely able to breathe. But when he emerged over the crest, he felt reborn. He staggered onto the flat piece of earth where he had stood many times. Here the path ended. The necropolis came to an abrupt halt at a wall of earth. A tiny marker read: Mausoleum S. La tomba di San Pietro. Before him, at waist level, was an opening in the wall. There was no gilded plaque here. No fanfare. Just a simple hole in the wall, beyond which lay a small grotto and a meager, crumbling sarcophagus. The camerlegno gazed into the hole and smiled in exhaustion. He could hear the others coming up the hill behind him. He set down his oil lamp and knelt to pray. Thank you, God. It is almost over. Outside in the square, surrounded by astounded cardinals, Cardinal Mortati stared up at the media screen and watched the drama unfold in the crypt below. He no longer knew what to believe. Had the entire world just witnessed what he had seen? Had God truly spoken to the camerlegno? Was the antimatter really going to appear on St. Peter's – â€Å"Look!† A gasp went up from the throngs. â€Å"There!† Everyone was suddenly pointing at the screen. â€Å"It's a miracle!† Mortati looked up. The camera angle was unsteady, but it was clear enough. The image was unforgettable. Filmed from behind, the camerlegno was kneeling in prayer on the earthen floor. In front of him was a rough-hewn hole in the wall. Inside the hollow, among the rubble of ancient stone, was a terra cotta casket. Although Mortati had seen the coffin only once in his life, he knew beyond a doubt what it contained. San Pietro. Mortati was not naive enough to think that the shouts of joy and amazement now thundering through the crowd were exaltations from bearing witness to one of Christianity's most sacred relics. St. Peter's tomb was not what had people falling to their knees in spontaneous prayer and thanksgiving. It was the object on top of his tomb. The antimatter canister. It was there†¦ where it had been all day†¦ hiding in the darkness of the Necropolis. Sleek. Relentless. Deadly. The camerlegno's revelation was correct. Mortati stared in wonder at the transparent cylinder. The globule of liquid still hovered at its core. The grotto around the canister blinked red as the LED counted down into its final five minutes of life. Also sitting on the tomb, inches away from the canister, was the wireless Swiss Guard security camera that had been pointed at the canister and transmitting all along. Mortati crossed himself, certain this was the most frightful image he had seen in his entire life. He realized, a moment later, however, that it was about to get worse. The camerlegno stood suddenly. He grabbed the antimatter in his hands and wheeled toward the others. His face showing total focus. He pushed past the others and began descending the Necropolis the way he had come, running down the hill. The camera caught Vittoria Vetra, frozen in terror. â€Å"Where are you going! Camerlegno! I thought you said – â€Å" â€Å"Have faith!† he exclaimed as he ran off. Vittoria spun toward Langdon. â€Å"What do we do?† Robert Langdon tried to stop the camerlegno, but Chartrand was running interference now, apparently trusting the camerlegno's conviction. The picture coming from the BBC camera was like a roller coaster ride now, winding, twisting. Fleeting freeze-frames of confusion and terror as the chaotic cortege stumbled through the shadows back toward the Necropolis entrance. Out in the square, Mortati let out a fearful gasp. â€Å"Is he bringing that up here?† On televisions all over the world, larger than life, the camerlegno raced upward out of the Necropolis with the antimatter before him. â€Å"There will be no more death tonight!† But the camerlegno was wrong.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Edward Weston essays

Edward Weston essays In 1886 Edward H. Weston was born in Highland Park Illinois and then was raised in Chicago. He went to The Oakland Grammar School and at 16 years of age he received his first camera form his father. In his spare time he took pictures in Chicago parks as well as his aunts farm. he worked as an errand boy and a salesman for Marshall field and company. In 1906 he went to California where he held down two jobs. One was a door to door portrait photographer and the other was a surveyor . From 1908 to 1911 he went to the Illinois College of Photography and spent his summers back in California working as a printer in photographic studios. While spending his summer in California he became the founder of the camera pictorialists of LA. 1909 Weston married Flora Chandler. In 1910 they had their first son Edward C.Weston. 1911 their second son was born, Theodore B. Weston. Their third was born in 1916, Laurence N.Weston. Andlast but not least the fourth Cole Weston in 1919. he had many articles published in many magazines all about Westons Methods. But it wasnt good enough for him. By 1920 he was Completely upset with is work so he decided to turn to experimenting. In the year 1922 Weston went to the Big Apple or New York City where he met Alfred Steigliz, Paul Strand, and Charles Sheeler. At the point all the pictures that he took of steelworkers in Ohio marked the dramatic turning point in his career. Many people loved these pictures because they showed the basic human life. The pictures were a lot like the work of Sheeler. Weston later wrote, the camera should be used for recording of life, for rendering the very substance and quintessence of the thing itself, whether it be polished steel of palpitating flesh. During the year1923 he moved to Mexico City. He opened a studio with mistress Tina Modotti. Tinas husband was a political radical leader who. He took nude pic...

Monday, October 21, 2019

What Tear Gas Is and How It Works

What Tear Gas Is and How It Works Tear gas, or lachrymatory agent, refers to any of a number of chemical compounds that cause tears and pain in the eyes and sometimes temporary blindness. Tear gas can be used for self-defense, but it is more commonly used as a riot control agent and as a chemical weapon. How Tear Gas Works Tear gas irritates the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, mouth, and lungs. The irritation may be caused by a chemical reaction with the sulfhydryl group of enzymes, though other mechanisms also occur. The results of exposure are coughing, sneezing, and tearing. Tear gas generally is non-lethal, but some agents are toxic. Examples of Tear Gas Actually, tear gas agents arent usually gases. Most compounds used as lachrymatory agents are solids at room temperature. They are suspended in solution and sprayed as aerosols or in grenades. There are different types of compounds that may be used as tear gas, but they often share the structural element ZC-C-X, where Z denotes carbon or oxygen and X is bromide or chloride. CS (chlorobenzylidenemalononitrile)CRCN (chloroacetophenone) which may be sold as Macebromoacetonephenacyl bromidexylyl bromidepepper spray (derived from chili peppers and most commonly dissolved in a vegetable oil) Pepper spray is a little different from the other types of tear gas. It is an inflammatory agent that causes inflammation and burning of the eyes, nose, and mouth. While it is more debilitating than a lachrymatory agent, it is harder to deliver, so it is used more for personal protection against a single individual or animal than for crowd control.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

A Comparison Of The Naïve And Beautiful Style In The Films By Hayao Miami My Neighbor Tororo, Spirited Away And The Wind Rises

A Comparison Of The Naà ¯ve And Beautiful Style In The Films By Hayao Miami My Neighbor Tororo, Spirited Away And The Wind Rises When you think of Japanese animation, he is the man that comes to mind. A man who is dedicated to his craft, he works at least 12 hours, sometimes not even eating, hand-drawing by himself the storyboards for all his movies. When Spirited Away won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, he chose not to go to the award show stating, â€Å"I didn’t want to visit a country that was bombing Iraq†. He is most noted for his fascination with flight and for not having the typical hero vs unsympathetic antagonist. Especially in his movie Princess Mononoke where the antagonist, Eboshi, could have been your classic evil villain, she just wants to help bring up the mining town she lives in while, but at the same time she is taking the forest gods’ habitat. This has made him very controversial and has even branded him as a feminist, pacifist, and even as a traitor to the Japanese, but to most, Hayao Miyazaki is simply their childhood. Through his films all of his films, i ncluding Spirited Away, My Neighbor Totoro, and The Wind Rises, Hayao Miyazaki emanates a very innocent and wondrous style. In all three movies the lighting choices help convey this style. In Spirited Away, when Chihiro sees No-Face standing outside the bath house in the rain, the soft lighting on No-Face’s face tells the viewer that he is an innocent and timid spirit. This lighting technique is also showed when No-Face tries to give Chihiro a handful of gold nuggets. In My Neighbor Totoro there is a scene where Satsuki, Mei, and Totoro are laying on a field enjoying the beauty of the world. The scene is flooded with high key light which emphasize the natural wonder and beauty of the world. A romantic vision of a world Hayao Miyazaki creates where things were simpler, a world of the old Japan. Both techniques of soft lightning and high key lighting are used in The Wind Rises. When Jiro is flying on the wing of a plane in a dream, the sun shines on Jiro’s face and fills the scene with high key light. It shows the wonder of Jiro’s dreams and of flight and shows another innocent world wh ere Jiro’s zero fighter planes are not used for war. The camera movements in Hayao Miyazaki’s movies also help convey his feelings into his directing style. In The Wind Rises the camera zooms in on Jiro’s face while he is dreaming of flying on a plane. It shows the innocence of Jiro’s dreams, because he cannot become a pilot himself, and the wonder and fascination he has with flying. In both My Neighbor Totoro and Spirited Away dolly tracking is employed in flying scenes. When Chihiro is riding on Haku and they are flying through the air and when Satsuki and Mei are holding onto Totoro who flies through the air with his screaming and an umbrella. The camera follows them to show the feeling of flying through the air. The wonder that is to touch the sky, The costumes for Hayao Miyazaki’s characters also show an innocent and wondrous style. In the scene where Satsuki, Mei, Totoro, and friends dance around the magic tree they have their pajamas on. This shows to the audience that they are still innocent. They are children who are simply playing with their new friend and learning more about the world. Innocence is also shown through Chihiro’s work clothes at the bath house. This set of clothes shows the true innocence of the child in Chihiro who used to whiny and pessimistic. After staying in the bath house and meeting Haku, Chihiro changes into a determined young girl who breaks Haku’s curse and her parents’ curse. In The Wind Rises Giovanni Caproni’s costume in Jiro’s dreams is a navy blue suit with a red tie. This contrasts with Jiro, who has a pale lavender suit and wears light colors during the film. This shows how Giovanni, who Jiro dreams of actually meeting, is a man of wonder to Jiro. Hayao Miyazaki’s films all remind us of the innocence of our childhood yet still fill us with wonder today. Through a 50 year career he has created master pieces that will go down in history. From his first movie, The Castle of Cagliostro, to his final, The Wind Rises, Hayao Miyazaki has moved generations and will continue to long after my time. His own personal style will continue to influence generations of animators to come.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Summary of skills edit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Summary of skills edit - Essay Example We conducted research from various books and websites for examples on how to correctly specify the requirements. By so doing, applicants will apply based on the requirements of the job. 4. SWOT analysis: We did extensive research into the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats facing our company. Concerns arose on how each item would be allocated a bracket in the list. After careful review of existing literature, we came to a conclusion that all the necessary information was correct. 5. PESTLE analysis: PESTLE Analysis was critical in identifying which external forces can enhance or limit our business. The PESTLE analysis was an interesting topic as it raised further issues and our attention to the policies that we had to abide by. 6. Making a spreadsheet: The spreadsheet was very simple to create considering the resources that have been given to us. We broke down the schedule into months in order to assess the financial requirement to run our business. Overall, the experience of working in a team was fruitful. The experience improved my communication skills and ability to work in the team. In fact, the experience offered more knowledge and experienced than I imagined. First, we split the work between team members in order to keep a strict adherence to the schedule and to make sure everyone was following the original plan. Then, all member completed their parts and documented all the progress. We compiled the work to assess the progress. We noticed that most of the work did not match because of differences in referencing. We had to reassign the work for a redo, and this time taking all necessary precautions. Luckily, the strategy worked in the end. Everyone was professional, active and responsible. I have learned so much from this assignment, and the outcome was very satisfying for me. Despite the success of the assignment, time

Unit 7 Seminar Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Unit 7 Seminar - Research Paper Example While validity helps in determining the types of tests to be used and ensure that researchers make use of methods that are ethical and effective, reliability plays a critical role in psychological tests. Reliability ensures that the test is valuable by maintaining consistency of the outcomes. Before locating the most suitable measurement tools, assess what the clients should know very well, can understand and are able to do. Plan the intent and scope of the assessment by considering the expected experiences after the assessment. Put into consideration how and if the assessment method will determine all the dimensions. Format the assessment instrument to make a clear meaning. When there is a change of program estimates associated with a change in items, then program drift occurs across several administrations. If program values show inconsistency than expected because of measurement errors only, then it cannot be assumed that program values are invariant in testing occasions. Therefore, this may limit the use of the item and warrant its removal from the bank of items. Presence of program drift is mostly associated with construction of irrelevant variance that affects the performance on the item. Due to this systematic performance shift for a long time, cases of program drift may have negative consequences on an assessment program and may ultimately affect inference validity generated from the test scores. This is a common challenge in research. I think both have the same weight. This is because they increase accountability in the political realm. These guidelines help in making decision on evaluation methods to use than reducing errors in

Nokia Business Strategy Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Nokia Business Strategy Report - Essay Example This report will determine the purpose and business performance of Nokia Corporation. Both the external and internal analysis has been conducted for Nokia in order to determine the impact of external environmental factors on the business performance of Nokia. The internal environmental analysis will help to determine the strategic strengths and weaknesses of Nokia Corporation. The strategic development part of the report will evaluate the corporation’s existing business and corporate level strategy. It will help to recommend effective strategic operation for Nokia Corporation so that the organization can overcome its key issues and challenges. Strategic Analysis This part of the business strategy report will provide a brief about the organization and its operating industry. This strategic analysis part will help the readers to determine the implemented strategies of Nokia and the impact of several external and internal environmental factors on the business performance of the o rganization. ... Global telecommunication industry is highly competitive as several leading organizations, such as Samsung, Apple and HTC are operating within this industry. Once, Nokia Corporation was considered as the leader within the global industry. But the organization lost its huge market share to its competitors due to several external and internal issues. The organization is one of the largest telecommunication equipment manufacturers. Nokia Corporation has a strong global presence. The employee strength of the organization is 87,100 (Macroaxis, 2013, p.1). Since last 5-7 years, the products of Nokia Corporation faced low sales due to lack of effective differentiation strategy and inadequate quality control (Marion, 2013, p.2). The Smartphone market share of Nokia has reduced from 33 percent to 14 percent in 2011 (Hui, 2013, p.1) Organizational Purpose Currently the company has formed a strategic partnership with Microsoft with the aim to build a mobile ecosystem worldwide. The phones operat ing on Windows would serve as the primary smart phone platform for Nokia. From April, 2011 Nokia has formed two distinct business units in the form of Smart devices and Mobile phones. The former units will be responsible for cementing the status of Nokia in the smart phone market while the later will leverage the innovation into new target markets so as to connect billions to people worldwide. Nokia Corporation is a multinational organization that engages in manufacturing and distribution of mobile phones and related accessories. Mission Statement The mission statement of the Nokia Corporation is to focus on effective decision-making strategy. The organization will create an effective

Thursday, October 17, 2019

International Business Management Research Paper - 1

International Business Management - Research Paper Example Cost of Moving The different areas where the assembly plant has to bear cost of moving are as follows: Fittings, fixtures and land for the new plant Salaries of the new workers including the overheads and the training cost Social costs Transportation cost of exporting or shipping the finished products Power consumption and utilities Cost of installing machines Shareholders Affected The current economic crisis may affect the company’s ability to get business in the market. This might be the reason of declining profits. The company must conduct an internal analysis to find the root cause of their problem areas. After evaluating, the responsibility can be laid on a certain party. The benefit would be, that the labor cost, and production cost would be lower in Mexico and the maintenance cost would be lesser in US, so the shareholders profit can be guaranteed (Elliott, 2007, p. 13-14). Answer b) The strategic implications of moving and not moving are explained below: Moving: There are both advantages as well as disadvantages of moving the plant. Moving the assembly plant from the old location to a new place would help the company to start their business with cheap labor force and a new community to target to. The company would be able to generate more revenue. The company’s machineries are old and outdated which results in declining profits. So utilizing the low transportation cost, and tax free benefits in Mexico, the assembly plant can be moved. The disadvantage would be that the company would not be able to utilize its old site; it has to adjust according to the new and advanced equipments that will be used in the new plant. Along with that the training cost would be high as the employees of a totally different culture would have to be trained on new equipments. Not Moving: Legal implications may arise while moving to Mexico. The employees’ loyalty would be questioned and the originality of the company would be lost. The major issue of the co mpany is to maintain its profitability and increase the long-term value. This could be even done by inputting new facilities into the old machineries to compete with the other players, hard-work, continuous improvement and through innovation. By keeping the assembly plant where it is the company would not only be profitable but also be loyal to the place (Deresky, 2006, p. 64-66). Answer c) If the management of the company is able to understand the obligations of communicating with the political and the social leaders, then their recently adopted obligation is right. It is important to persuade the leaders that the community as a whole and the employees are the priority and not the profits. The company must look for options for supporting their moving decisions. They may propose the existing plant to look for some new owner or explore the opportunities of owning the employees. In case of the new assembly plant in Mexico, the responsibility lies on the host country and the facilitato rs of the organization. It is important to have a good public relation in order to consider the environmental and social issues. The ethical implications may also have an impact on moving the assembly plant to a different location, through reduction of labor cost. The focus should also be on the social and

Concept of true and fair view Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Concept of true and fair view - Essay Example It is perceived to be realized by abiding by all additional minor accounting standards. True and fair view is the rule that is utilized in guidelines ranging from financial standard and auditing to an organization’s law acts. The phrase is applicable to the process an auditor will execute a verdict on the accounting activities of a corporation (Elliot & Elliot 2004, p. 21). The true and fair value concept is significant because it is employed in guaranteeing and examining if accounts indicate the correct business activities. In addition, the true and fair value concept has helped in abolishing mechanical utilization of accounting principles (Arnold, Hope, Southworth & Kirkham 1994, p. 17). The users of the true and fair value concept include auditors and accountants. Both the auditors and accountants use this concept to set down accounting statement whether they are internally-focused management accounts or external financial accounts. Auditors use the concept to design and perform with extreme determination that will help reveal any significant or material misstatements or errors (Friedlob, & Plewa, 1996, p. 67). Firms that utilize the true and fair value concept are those that are registered in the London Stock Exchange, for example, ABB, an international organization dealing in mechanics and primarily in the automation and power technology sectors, and Heathrow Airport Holdings, which operates four airports in Britain (Glautier & Underdown 1994, p. 51). There are a number of issues relating to the true and fair value concept. One, the accounting books should have noted all the business dealings accurately. The concept should record correct business dealings to ensure proper functioning. Two, the accounting books should be made according to the appropriate standards of accounting and have adhered to accountancy principles given by a number of regulatory agencies (Kotter &Cohen 2002, p. 35). This should reflect the adequate accounting standards in finance.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Nokia Business Strategy Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Nokia Business Strategy Report - Essay Example This report will determine the purpose and business performance of Nokia Corporation. Both the external and internal analysis has been conducted for Nokia in order to determine the impact of external environmental factors on the business performance of Nokia. The internal environmental analysis will help to determine the strategic strengths and weaknesses of Nokia Corporation. The strategic development part of the report will evaluate the corporation’s existing business and corporate level strategy. It will help to recommend effective strategic operation for Nokia Corporation so that the organization can overcome its key issues and challenges. Strategic Analysis This part of the business strategy report will provide a brief about the organization and its operating industry. This strategic analysis part will help the readers to determine the implemented strategies of Nokia and the impact of several external and internal environmental factors on the business performance of the o rganization. ... Global telecommunication industry is highly competitive as several leading organizations, such as Samsung, Apple and HTC are operating within this industry. Once, Nokia Corporation was considered as the leader within the global industry. But the organization lost its huge market share to its competitors due to several external and internal issues. The organization is one of the largest telecommunication equipment manufacturers. Nokia Corporation has a strong global presence. The employee strength of the organization is 87,100 (Macroaxis, 2013, p.1). Since last 5-7 years, the products of Nokia Corporation faced low sales due to lack of effective differentiation strategy and inadequate quality control (Marion, 2013, p.2). The Smartphone market share of Nokia has reduced from 33 percent to 14 percent in 2011 (Hui, 2013, p.1) Organizational Purpose Currently the company has formed a strategic partnership with Microsoft with the aim to build a mobile ecosystem worldwide. The phones operat ing on Windows would serve as the primary smart phone platform for Nokia. From April, 2011 Nokia has formed two distinct business units in the form of Smart devices and Mobile phones. The former units will be responsible for cementing the status of Nokia in the smart phone market while the later will leverage the innovation into new target markets so as to connect billions to people worldwide. Nokia Corporation is a multinational organization that engages in manufacturing and distribution of mobile phones and related accessories. Mission Statement The mission statement of the Nokia Corporation is to focus on effective decision-making strategy. The organization will create an effective

Concept of true and fair view Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Concept of true and fair view - Essay Example It is perceived to be realized by abiding by all additional minor accounting standards. True and fair view is the rule that is utilized in guidelines ranging from financial standard and auditing to an organization’s law acts. The phrase is applicable to the process an auditor will execute a verdict on the accounting activities of a corporation (Elliot & Elliot 2004, p. 21). The true and fair value concept is significant because it is employed in guaranteeing and examining if accounts indicate the correct business activities. In addition, the true and fair value concept has helped in abolishing mechanical utilization of accounting principles (Arnold, Hope, Southworth & Kirkham 1994, p. 17). The users of the true and fair value concept include auditors and accountants. Both the auditors and accountants use this concept to set down accounting statement whether they are internally-focused management accounts or external financial accounts. Auditors use the concept to design and perform with extreme determination that will help reveal any significant or material misstatements or errors (Friedlob, & Plewa, 1996, p. 67). Firms that utilize the true and fair value concept are those that are registered in the London Stock Exchange, for example, ABB, an international organization dealing in mechanics and primarily in the automation and power technology sectors, and Heathrow Airport Holdings, which operates four airports in Britain (Glautier & Underdown 1994, p. 51). There are a number of issues relating to the true and fair value concept. One, the accounting books should have noted all the business dealings accurately. The concept should record correct business dealings to ensure proper functioning. Two, the accounting books should be made according to the appropriate standards of accounting and have adhered to accountancy principles given by a number of regulatory agencies (Kotter &Cohen 2002, p. 35). This should reflect the adequate accounting standards in finance.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

President Bill Clinton Essay Example for Free

President Bill Clinton Essay The Map Room Speech delivered by President Bill Clinton by way of apology and explanation regarding his conduct with Monica Lewinsky appeals to the listener as an American and as an individual, that is, makes its appeal to personal and presumably universal feelings and emotions regarding the state and the family. This speech must be reviewed with the idea in mind that this is not the first time that Clinton is speaking on the subject. His initial statement regarding Lewinsky involved the memorable line â€Å"I did not have sexual relations with that woman. † In the early stages of a scandal, it is possible to strategize along the lines of the Chinese saying that â€Å"less talk, less mistake. † That is, by delivering a direct and unequivocal statement, it is possible to brazen everything out and avoid further discussion regarding degrees of involvement or moral culpability. However, in view of later developments, it became necessary to take a different tack. The strategy employed by this speech involves admitting a mistake – admitting a â€Å"wrong† relationship with Ms Lewinsky and deceiving his wife in the process – but it is a mistake that had to be framed as a mistake that any other man would have made. But at the same time that it presents the President as having a lot in common with the man on the street, it also intends to reinforce the image of great-heartedness expected in a gentleman, where he says â€Å"I must take complete responsibility for all my actions, public and private. † Here we are presented with a fusion of Everyman and Hero. The first paragraph of this speech makes the point that he has, in the course of the investigation, answered questions that â€Å"no American citizen would ever want to answer. † The juxtaposition of â€Å"American citizen† with the concept of doing something unwillingly while at the mercy of a probing authorities is meant to create tension between the idea of the American as the â€Å"freest citizen on Earth† and a version of reality where he actually is not quite â€Å"free†. On some level it would evoke the historical â€Å"white man’s burden† that the US was supposed to have taken up when it acquired colonies in Asia – that the American has a great responsibility to truth because to those whom much is given, much is expected. The ordinary man on the street might feel this, that he submits to Big Brother on occasion, because he must keep his country great and intact. In the next paragraphs he owns up to his mistakes while emphasizing the mitigating factors. He has been truthful and never lied, since all his answers were â€Å"legally accurate. † This would dispose of the famous episode where â€Å"oral sex† as â€Å"real sex† was called into question during the investigation. He also stresses that he never asked anyone to practice deception for his sake, which statement seems to be intended to call attention to the fact that he is not a heartless cheating bastard or a predatory boss. He did not ask the women in his life – his wife and his mistress – to cover up for him, or to risk their integrity for him as he could have done so easily, as some unscrupulous men would have done quite easily, were they situated in a position as powerful as his. Clinton then proceeds to attribute his silence to a lapse in judgment. The earlier tactic of brazening out a tricky situation seems to have backfired, and thus must be transformed into, or presented as, keeping quiet out of the desire to protect the innocent – those who cannot protect themselves. Of course, one keeps silent or withholds information from the media, and this portion contrasts the family man’s desire to protect honor or the finer sensibilities of his wife and daughter with that of the media as a relentless institution that will say all, that must have its ratings and viewers, at the expense of reputations or feelings or whatever it is that is insulted in the course of getting the story. He also reminds the public that there was a politically motivated lawsuit – one which was subsequently dismissed – that was ongoing at the time the scandal erupted. Now the image includes political enemies, whose popular image would be, like the media, that of predators: Power-hungry individuals out to destroy a man who is only trying to do his best. In touching on this investigation he says: â€Å"The independent counsel investigation moved on to my staff and friends, then into my private life, and now the investigation itself is under investigation. This has gone on too long, cost too much, and hurt too many innocent people. † Here it is worthwhile to note the emphasis on cost, the toll which the investigation, where he and his wife have been cleared anyway, has taken not just in terms of time or money, but again in terms of the mental or moral anguish that it has caused â€Å"innocent people. † He then brings the situation home; the public issue is also a private one, and indeed, now that the public aspect of it has been disposed of, the process of dealing with it as a personal, a family issue, commences. The unspoken truth here is that this process will be more difficult than the public one. He says that the people he loves most are his wife and daughter. Such statements are rather like a Hallmark greeting card – bland enough to slide off without anyone taking umbrage or questioning the validity of the statement. At the same time, the cliche carries with it great power. While love is a complex thing that is constantly in flux, with family relations being a barometer of the same, the ordinary individual does not question its nature but only sticks to his guns and says â€Å"I love my family. † To say, â€Å"Now this matter is between me, the two people I love most: my wife and our daughter, and our God. I must put it right, and I am prepared to do whatever it takes to do so. Nothing is more important to me personally,† is to say exactly what the ordinary American thinks he would feel in such a situation, and moreover, it uses much the same language that he would. The father of the family also puts his foot down when he says, â€Å"†¦I intend to reclaim my family life for my family. It’s nobody’s business but ours. † Of course, one of the more striking lines in this speech is â€Å"Even Presidents have private lives. † The audience here is asked to have mercy, or perhaps, more accurately, to step up and do their part as members of a community. If America is a great democracy, then the rules that apply to you and your neighbors down the hall or across the street apply to the president too – and not just rules, but privileges. The turn of phrase is made even more pleasing by the suggestion that this time, it is the nation – the man with his beer on the couch, watching tv, the mother preparing dinner, that has the power. Spare the President, because he’s only human. And this way, the passive viewer gets to feel that he or she actually gets to do something that matters. Then Clinton, in the last three paragraphs, draws matters to a close. He says that â€Å"It is time to stop the pursuit of personal destruction and the prying into private lives, and get on with our national life. † This is calculated to appeal to loftier feelings. It says â€Å"You’re better than that. † Or better yet â€Å"We’re better than that. † With these words, he aligns himself with the people. It is at this point that he ceases to be – at least within the framework of this speech – the beleaguered and erring politician, or the earnest, hardworking father and husband who has made the mistake of an office dalliance. At this point, he is gathering up the reins and resuming the role of President, Leader of the Nation. In its sweep, it even disposes of the notion that the presidency he holds is actually at the mercy of the people’s preference. But there is nothing wrong with this, not really. After all, anyone who has been a leader, whether coach of a basketball team, head of a clique or a mother of small children, knows that there is a time when one has to act decisively, to think for the followers and act rather than to pay obsessive attention to their every squeak and whimper. He refers to the country as having been â€Å"distracted for too long. † Indeed, the business of nation-building, or at least the one of getting along from one day to another as a nation, would appear to benefit from being presented once more as something lofty. For once everything is in place – when the people have enough to eat, for instance, and homes and televisions and cable tv – it is easy to become lost in inane distractions like a media circus. Or at least, that it is a media circus and detrimental to the work begun by the Founding Fathers and continued by the Pioneers, is the desired effect. He calls then for people to the â€Å"important work to do real opportunities to seize, real problems to solve, real security matters to face. † This effectively writes off the scandal in which he has been recently embroiled as â€Å"not real. † Security issues are real, the opportunity for economic growth is real, but the doings of a man and his intern are less â€Å"real. † And this makes sense in a practical way – set against the greater scale of things, it seems to say, does it really matter that Bill Clinton had sex with Monica Lewinsky? This speech acknowledges its importance to the nation in a â€Å"if it’s important to you, then it’s important to me† kind of way; â€Å"I care about how you feel,† he says to America. But as it ends, he presents the events of the preceding months as a small matter, after all, set against the backdrop of the greatness that is America in the century that (at that time) was just about to begin. In conclusion, in the alliances and associations created by this speech is a powerful message to the listeners that they mustn’t care too much about one man’s mistake – what they (and that erring man) have at hand is a much greater task: upholding the great American nation.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Standing Firm On The Word Of God Religion Essay

Standing Firm On The Word Of God Religion Essay Within life there are some things over which you have no control. They are the inevitable storms and adverse weather that life brings to us all. They are called seasons of struggle and times of testing. Our goal is not only to go through them but rather to grow through them by developing yourself and becoming a stronger, smart, and skilful person. Storms of Challenges in your life Thank God we have weather storms because, after they come and go, ever thing is brighter, fresher and clearer. Its the same in life, storms and wind may blow through your home, you may face many challenges, life becomes one big turmoil especially at a certain time of the month, you may become discourage by bad news, monthly bills, credit payment, letter from the bailiff, court prosecution; they can all bring anxiety, stress, frustration, depression, (Matt 14:31) Says you become fearful, your faith is weakens, and you doubt Gods Words. The thing is you will always have some sort of payment one way or the other to fork out each month. There is no immediate antidote to sort everything problem, but there is a place of calm, where the hustle and bustle of life challenges cant touch you. * Do you know that there are words in the Bible for every situation in your life?* When storms are blowing in your life you forget that Jesus is with you, you dont stand on His Word. (Matt 8:26) In spite of opposition and persecution, He promise us peace in the midst of suffering (Matt 14:27) He said be of good cheer, be not afraid. (Matthew 28:20) I am with you always, even to the end of the world Real Life Scenario: Before and after I came to Christ, I was a prisoner in my own home. I became frighten to answer the phone because by creditors would be asking for their money; I even went so far as to answer the take messages on my own behalf. When there was a knock at the door I would lower the volume on the television as not to be heard. It was only when I began to apply the scripture verses in my situation that I began to have peace. Look through the scripture for verses that talk about your situation, and speak them out, remind Jesus of his promise. Build a Foundation on the Rock (Word of God) During life there will be times when it may seam that there is an earthquake under you, attempting to shake your life, family and children as you go through one crisis after another (Matt 7: 24-27) Says build your house on the Rock which is the Word (Matthew 7:10) Jesus says A wise man built his house up a Rock, it did not fall, (Matthew 7:26) a foolish man build his house upon sand, flood, wind blew and beat upon it, and it fell and great was the fall of it. When your marriage is on the rocks, thats when you need to get on the Rocks and stand on Jesus and His Word. Build your life, marriage, and career, endeavours in and around the Word. Be careful of preachers, every preacher is not your Rock dont base youre life solely on them because there human beings, if they backslide your still built on the Rock (check what they say against the Scripture). Scenario: My pastor tells his congregation that he depends solely on God and not on his wife, and he advised her to do the same because he is only human. So build a solid foundation on the Rock (word of God), establish a personal relationship with God, and stay rooted in the Word of God, Spend time with God in Pray and in Meditation. He will disclose His thoughts, and help you to understand His word (Bible). Its not about believing, its about knowing God, when you know Him no one can shake your foundation. Fire of Challenges in Life Fiery troubles and challenges that rage around you are test and trials to strengthen you. Sometimes in life there will be a season when God will take you through a process where by He want to mature you, He may separate you from certain people around you, friends or even family, the enemy will be attacking you on all sides, and people may talk against you making falsely accused. There may be times when you feel totally isolated. (Isaiah 43:2) when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, neither shall the flame Kindle upon you, I will be with you. I will never leave you during your time of trial. (1 Peter 5-10) God will restore you, strengthen you, make you strong, and support you as you suffer for a little while) Conclusion We thank God for His goodness and mercies that continue to follow us each day. Regardless of the Storms and winds that blow through your home, earthquakes that attempt to shake your life, and the fires of challenges that rage around you. The Lord Jesus Christ has promised to see you through! So dont be shaken by what you see, simply focus on your Creator and you will have a brighter tomorrow, In Jesus name.