Monday, September 30, 2019

Relationship Between Transformational And Transactional Leadership Skills Education Essay

This paper will measure the relationship between transformational and transactional leading accomplishments in principals of kindergarten through eight class schools. Seven assorted beginnings incorporating diaries and surveies have been critiqued and delineated. The find from these articles is that principals with transactional and transformational qualities lead efficaciously. The ultimate end of a principal is to make a safe acquisition environment where pupils are able to larn to their highest potency. The focal point of this paper is to research class schools runing from kindergarten through eight classs and to supply the reader with ample qualities of an effectual transformational and transactional leader.Problem StatementRecent surveies suggest that kindergarten through 8th grade pupils in the United States are fighting to run into criterions and are falling behind ( Lucas & A ; Valentine, 2002 ) . Educators and principals must be held accountable. Transformational and transac tional leaders obtain accomplishments that will advance pupil success and teacher answerability. Leaderships that usher pedagogues, equals, parents, and pupils within the transactional and transformational attack will ensue in a positive school environment and pupils will work to their highest potency.Purpose StatementThe intent of this research is to supply principals, or leaders with effectual tools for guiding, making, and taking efficient and successful schools. Principals need to hold a clear, concise appreciation on taking efficaciously. This thesis will supply them with accurate surveies that support transactional and transformational leading.Research Questions and AimsTransformational and transactional leading defined Implementing transformational and transactional leading accomplishments for principals Educators efficaciously learning under the counsel of a transformational and transactional leader Promoting pupil success and accomplishment for principals of kindergarten through 8th class schoolsBodyTransformational and Transactional Leadership Skills DefinedCharisma, inspiration, and efficaciously pass oning with subsidiaries are three qualities of transactional and transformational leaders ( Anderson, 2008 ) . Principals that obtain these features will make a respectful resonance with pedagogues, parents, and pupils ( Hood, Poulson, Mason, Walker, & A ; Dixon, 2009 ; Lucas, & A ; Valentine, 2002 ) . Transformational leaders inspire and create positive on the job environments ( Bono & A ; Judge, 1004 ) . Transactional and transformational leaders encourage squad work and concerted acquisition schemes. Educators that are led under the transformational and transactional attack will be able to portion thoughts with other members of the school community. Educators will be advised to detect other schoolroom scenes and learn signifier other instructors ( Chin, 2007 ) . Principals that lead in this attack will make a positive working and learning environment. Students will be able to larn efficaciously and pedagogues will be encouraged to work with and larn from fellow equals. One recent survey explored the transformational leader and concludes that leaders whom hold subsidiaries accountable and continuously evaluate and review in a positive manor will be successful leaders ( Chin, 2007 ) . This type of answerability can be measured though self ratings ( Pounder, 2008 ) . Transformational and transactional approached to leading must be implemented for a successful school environment ( Lucas & A ; Valentine, 2002 ) . Researchers studied teacher studies and focused on five countries dwelling of shared ends, learning coaction, teacher acquisition, teacher certainty, and teacher committedness. The writers hypothesized school principals whom score high in the identified five factors are effectual transformational leaders associating to student success in schools. They intended for pedagogues to finish a study that evaluates their principal ‘s transformational leading manner. These 18 simple principals and their modules were asked to return the study in order for the writer to decently measure the ratings ( Lucas & A ; Valentine, 2002 ) . With the collected information, the writers discovered that increased transformational leading principals were associated with schools that demonstrated enhanced degrees of societal organisations reflective of effectual schools. The survey besides investigated two research questionnaires. The first was questionnaire was from Bass and the 2nd from Avolio. These questionnaires determined that increased transformational principals are associated with schools that show high degrees of societal organisations and pupil success, corroborating the writers ‘ hypothesis ( Lucas & A ; Valentine, 2002 ) .Educators efficaciously learning under the counsel of a transformational and transactional leaderVariable One: Evaluation and Accountability One of import quality of effectual instruction is that pedagogues are able to self evaluate and self examine their instruction schemes ( Pounder, 2008 ) . Prior to school beginning, instructors will be asked by the transactional principal to self measure one lesson per one-fourth of the approaching school twelvemonth. The lesson program will be submitted to the principal. The pedagogue will observe the pros and cons of their lesson. Self rating will advance the pedagogue ‘s ability to guarantee that effectual lessons and activities are taught and implemented in the schoolroom ( Poulson, Mason, Walker, & A ; Dixon, 2009 ; Lucas, & A ; Valentine, 2002 ) . Principals that lead in the transactional and transformational attack can besides promote pedagogues to measure other equals. Educators can larn from one another, portion thoughts, and hand in glove learn under this type of leading. ( Poulson, Mason, Walker, & A ; Dixon, 2009 ) . This environment will ensue in a positive ambiance for parents, instructors, pupils, and staff members. Similar to self rating and equal rating, the transformational and transactional principal will be able to measure and detect the pedagogue. The principal will run into with the instructor prior to the ascertained lesson. The principal will be provided with the pedagogue ‘s lesson program and together they will choose a day of the month for the observation. Following, the principal will detect the lesson. This transformational and transactional leader will inquire the undermentioned inquiries ( Anderson, 2008 ; Lucas, & A ; Valentine, 2002 ) : Did the instructor grasp the pupils ‘ attending? Were the pupils engaged throughout the lesson? Was the stuff presented in a clear, concise manor? Were the demands of each type of scholar met in the lesson? What were the pupils making throughout the lesson? Did the instructor cheque for understanding and inquire follow-up inquiries? How was the lesson concluded? These are seven inquiries that the principal will observe throughout the lesson. Finally, the principal and instructor will hold a station conference sing the observation. At this conference, the principal will be able to supply the pedagogue with notes and remarks refering to the ascertained lesson. The principal will be able to discourse strengths and failings and offer tools for betterment ( Bono & A ; Judge, 2004. Variable Two: Professional Growth Transformational and transactional leaders must promote members to continually enhance professional growing. Continuous larning for pedagogues will advance effectual pedagogues. As a transformational and transactional principal, chances for growing and betterment must be available for pedagogues. Workshops, seminars, and meeting are indispensable for effectual instruction and for teacher answerability ( Bono & A ; Judge, 2004 ) .Promoting pupil success and accomplishmentStudents will stand out under a transformational and transactional leader ( Chin, 2007 ) . Students respond positively to leaders that are magnetic, rational, and originative. Students are able to set up a respectful resonance with the disposal and school personal ( Chin, 2007 ) . Principals whom set up the foundation of transformational and transactional leading accomplishments will advance pupil success and accomplishment. Datas from 1,762 pedagogues and 9,941 pupils in one big school territory were obtained to research the effects of transformational leading patterns on selected organisation conditions and pupil battle within the schools. The consequences confirmed that there were strong important effects of such transformational and transactional leading on pupil success rate. This partciular article was qualitative and provided voluminous sum of information associating to the field of transformational leading and its benefit in schools ( Leithwood, 2000 ) . Transformational and transactional leaders obtain qualities that are animating and successful. Principals who lead in this attack will make a safe acquisition environment where pupils are able to larn to their highest potency ( Hood, Poulson, Mason, Walker, & A ; Dixon, 2009 ) . Teacher answerability and public presentation is the 2nd measure within the transformational and transactional attack ( Chin, ( 2007 ) . Teachers must be able to self evaluate, evaluate equals, and take part in principal-teacher rating. Educators must go on to turn professional and go on their instruction.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The change in marriage and divorce figures over a 20 year period

In this essay I will look at the change in marriage and divorce figures over a 20 year period. I will look mainly at the area of divorce and how this may have affected the relationships within marriage, within my chosen time scale, to explore how a changing society may have resulted in the breakdown (or choice to not undertake) marriage. I have looked at data from 1978 and then at 1998 from the official statistics for these two areas. I will look at data from two separate years, only twenty years apart to show what changes if any can be seen in such a small time scale. The data I will use is taken from the ‘Office of Population Censuses Surveys'. Marriage and divorce Statistics (1980 &1998). I have converted them to percentages, to make them easer to understand and rounded them to the nearest 0. 01%. I have not included the widowed figures in this essay! As this is not a choice like divorce or marriage. Looking back over the divorce rates and how they have changed, showed that from as far back as 1901 to the late 1960's with only a small increase from the 60's to the late 1970's. Divorce rates were quite consistent from 1. 4% to 2%. Then between the late 1970's to today a huge leap. Between 1978 and 1980, there was a vast amount of movement in the rights of women in respect of work and benefits rights. As well as social changes in respect of how divorce and signal mothers were viewed. Was there a shift from a patriarchy society? Women became able to function in society without a man or marriage. So what do the stats show? In 1978 Looking across all (adult) age groups, 50. 5% were marred, 40. % were single. With those divorced showing only 2. 1%, the figures for 1998 show that 43. 7% were single, with only 42. 8% marred. This shows one area of change, less people getting marred, although the figures do not indicate those living together unmarried (which raises the question of value placed on the position or marriage in today's society). When we look at the figures for divorce in 1978 then at 1998, the change is easy to see. In 1978 only 2. 1% of adults were divorced, only 20 years later it was 6. % an increase of 4. 7% more. The years after the war up to 1978 showed only a small difference form the 1945 to 1978, only 0. 5%. Yet in this 20 year section there is a rapid increase, the figures also shows an increase of remarriages. If we take away those remarried, the divorce rate is 10%. The age people marry today has also changed, 26. 8 % in 1978 were marred by 25 years old. By 1998 this had dropped to only 10. 3%. And later in life, age 65 to 70 years of age. Over 51% marred in 1998 as apposed to 29. 3% in 1978. The figures show in 1978 marriage lasted longer with less ending in divorce, by 1998 marriage was ‘later in life', with more chance of divorce, and this also raised the amount of 2nd marriages. NOTE:[Divorce rates did jump between 1972 and 1972 but this is could be argued was a result of the Divorce Reform Act of 1969] The way we record ‘what is' a family unit has been forced to change with less people marrying; a family in the 70's was; â€Å"a social unit consisting of a wife, husband and dependent children† (Huges & Fergusson 2000, P49) Whereas today; â€Å"a family is defined as a marred or cohabiting couple, with or with out their never married children (who have no children of their own), or a loan parent with such children. People living alone are not considered to form a family† (social trends, 1999, P43) In 1997 there were only 310,000 marriages altogether, this was the lowest recorded figures of the 20th century, and more divorces were brought by women on the grounds of ‘unreasonable behavior' some 70% (ONS, 2000, p. 9) This is could be argued marks a change with women now making sociality move away from a patriarchal ideology, some commentators in the 70's talked of marriage moving towards one of symmetry; Michael Young and peter Willmott argued that women no longer needed the ‘male bread winner', and with more legal support and better rights in/access to employment, the relationships within marriage hade to change, Young and Willmott said; this symmetry could be seen in division of labor in the home, with the old distinction between men's and women's jobs becoming increasingly blurred, a shift to joint decision making, and increasing sheared social life† Young and Willmott 1973 p. 343) So not only the way the family unit is seen in society has changed, it could be argued, but the relationships within marriage undergone change. In this small gap of 20 years, women it could be argued have more control, no longer has the man got more power then the woman in the home relationship. Of course this is not true of the ‘older generation', although with social change each generation brings its own values to the front. We can see today with marriage declining, more ending in divorce, modern society places less value on marriage than there parents did. Old moral values are been eroded away, for a faster consumer orientated society. Things are for today and out of fashion next week. It would seam that if current trends continue as they have from 1978 to 1998; will anybody both to get married in 30 years time. Will relationships become more of a casual affair? Will women gain more control than men with in relationships. Women with the emergence of things such as ‘the pill', sperm banks for single [potential mothers] women. The position of men within society us under more pressure and question the more we move into the ‘new' modern equal society.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Socrates Trial and Death Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Socrates Trial and Death - Essay Example In this paper, investigation will be done on some events leading to his trial and death. The discussion will be based on a martyr and an anti-democratic interpretation. The dialog on apology starts on a rather ironical manner. It is not an apology in the real sense but a conversation between Socrates and the jury during his trial. He had been blamed of not recognizing the gods recognized by the state, in addition to invention of new deities and corruption of the youths of Athens. In this scenario, he sacrifices himself to be tried for the sake of the State of Athens, which he believes is rotten with bad practices of worshiped unworthy gods. In his trial, he pays less respect to the formalities of a court, and goes to an extent of proclaiming that since he is inexperienced with the law courts, he will speak in a manner accustomed to him. He promises to speak with total honesty and directness. In an attempt to prove his innocence, he claims that he is the wisest man, after which he recognizes his ignorance and corrects himself by stating that he knows nothing. He is ready to take any verdict, believing that it will seal his fate as the person who tri ed to question and correct the seemingly wise men. The youths consider him a hero who deserves nothing else but the authority to continue with his role of correcting the state. His accusers, Meletus and the other people he embarrassed, treated him with hatred and anger. They are determined to see him silenced forever. In his dialog with Meletus, he tries to embarrass him. Socrates feels very important and likens himself to a gadfly which stings the lazy horse, the Athenian state. His death would be a sacrifice just like a martyr who dies to save the rest of the humankind. He threatens the state that in case it sentences him to death; it will fall into a deep sleep. The death penalty seals his fate, despite his request to pay a fine instead. Just like a martyr, he fearlessly agrees

Friday, September 27, 2019

Current Challenges Facing IT & Recommendations Essay

Current Challenges Facing IT & Recommendations - Essay Example Failure of a business organization may as well arise due to problems caused by IT failures. These organizations can be used as cases to learn more concerning Information Technology (IT). Failure always comes because of challenges affecting a particular organization. One of the companies in the US that has been facing challenges is Otisline, a company that specialized in the distribution and provision of elevators. The essay will look into details, the overview of Otisline, challenges facing it, as well as, the recommendations required to make Otisline better. Case overview Otisline Company improved the performance of different business organizations. The company, other than the supply and provision of elevators, also provided regional, district and NAO management with the required amount of quality information. When a problem arose, the management was the first to know from the customer complaints. Different managements responded differently to the clients’ callbacks. This dep ended on the number of callback, for instance, district managers handled three or more callbacks in a month. The company made corrections using these callbacks. Otisline had many impacts on NAO’s business including customer service, information service, dispatching, and controlling of mechanics. Otisline had several impacts in NAO in different sectors such as information service, which involved the use of sms database with an IBM 3083 computer (Stoddad & Harvard University 198). This was meant to make response to the clients as fast as possible. An example of a place where the Otisline was applied was in the customer service whereby it recognized buildings in four distinct ways: telephone number, building identification number, building address as well as the building name, state and city. The Otisline service center was also organized in a way that it easily promoted dispatcher efficiency. Otisline software was applied in other areas such as marketing services, and control a nd dispatching of service mechanics. The following describes the factors that brought about the problem in Oisline. The factors explain succinctly the challenges that the IT controlled company is undergoing. The factors are unsatisfactory consumer services, lack of enough human resource, obsolescence, IT complexities, poor marketing and public relations, poor data storage and retrieval methods, and poor budgeting. Challenges Facing IT Customer service: IT is affected by bad reputation when taking customer need satisfaction. As evidenced by the Otisline, there is a high chance of doing the work incorrectly according to the customer’s requirements (Stoddad & Harvard University 218). This is what leads to several callbacks. This is the same in the corporate field. The customer normally wants and expects to be told what they want. The automated recommendation tone always seems arrogant. This may always lead to infusion of negative mentalities and attitudes towards the IT. This ch allenge can be corrected or recommended by listening to customer needs and making them the number one priority; not allowing them to be controlled by the IT system or software like that of Otisline, in this case. It leads to lose of human resource. There is always a normal trend of worker lay off when a new program or software that can replace the employees and do the work efficiently is discovered. The same has affected Otis Corporation whereby six workers were laid off after the realization of the company’

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Reaction to the video clipidea celebration 35 years Movie Review

Reaction to the video clipidea celebration 35 years - Movie Review Example Since then, access to education for the disable people has continued to expand, with the disabled people now able to access the highest level of education in the land, alongside their non-disabled counterparts. The 2004 amendment to the laws of education for disabled people have increased the achievements of the disabled people in the society, enabling them to hold jobs after their high school education. Thus, the environment for the disabled education has significantly improved. Giving education to the disabled has helped change previously considered uneducable children into citizens, and helped improve the sense of worth of the disabled people, by clearly showing that all minds are beautiful, whether those of the disabled or the non-disabled (Celebrating 35 Years of IDEA, n.p.). Before 1975, only a fifth of children with disability were educated, but still in secluded, segregated and distant sate institutions. Nevertheless, 35 years after the enactment of this Act, the group of peo ple who were considered uneducable is now highly valued group in the society, with an improved lifestyle. IDEA has made it possible for the disabled people to achieve much in the American

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Case of Mr.R.Abel Rowser Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The of Mr.R.Abel Rowser - Case Study Example First off, while reading the Statute, one should underline several points in it. It is all about the intent to provoke, attempts to congregate with others, willingness to disturb the peace and peaceful development of the society at the moment (Schultz and Sirico 60). Following these prescriptions of the law, it is necessary to pay attention to the postulates, so to speak, of the democratic society keeping the freedom of speech in mind. On the other hand, Mr. Rowser did not have straight-forward confrontations with the people gathered nearby at the moment of his fulfilled â€Å"gesture†. Nevertheless, the D.C. Statute pays one’s attention to the clear identification where cases of disorderly conduct take place, namely: Acts in such a manner as to annoy, disturb, interfere with, obstruct, or be offensive to others†¦shall be fined not more than $250 or imprisoned not more than 90 days, or both (Schultz and Sirico 60). It is about time to take a glimpse at the somehow similar cases, Rodgers v. United States and District of Columbia 290 A.2d 395 (D.C. 1972) and Rockwell v. District of Columbia. The question is that both of them touch upon the cases of direct and violent confrontation between appellants and the crowd or other parties. Definitely, the law defends those who live and act in line with its values and prescriptions. Thus, Mr. Rodgers as well as Mr. Rockwell intentionally provoked disorders and physical contradictions harmful for the rest of the society. In case of Mr. Rowser, this confrontation was evaded by the appellant himself, as he escaped and disappeared at the moment when the pressure grew its apogee. To say more, Mr. Rowser was not inclined to provoke a disorder by means of his behavior, as the main intention was to attract the government’s attention in the course of the military activities provided by the US. The freedom of speech is not the same as the violence and assault or an offense able to hurt feelings of other com munities within the multinational country like the United States (Rockwell’s case). Furthermore, if there is a legal restriction for trespassing a definite area, no illegal attempts to do so shall be appreciated (Rodger’s case). In addition, if the government is still blind to see the national problem from inside out, Rowser’s case omits the points stated in the D.C. Disorderly Statute. That is to say, no one can accuse him in non-patriotic intentions, but in the patriotism starting from the rational analysis of the nationwide problem still unresolved. What Mr. Rowser did not expect was the reaction of public-spirited Vietnam veterans. Probably, they thought that Mr. Rowser was a representative of some radical or terrorist groups whose argument against the USA is in burning the US flag. However, the act by Mr. Rowser was neither about yelling during the nighttime not about the disturbance in the places of public significance. First, his demonstration was silent as the main slogan was carved on his back. Second, he cut and ran while the crowd perceived his action in a wrong way, as he meant initially. Thus, the formal element of a definition of a crime is incomplete for Mr. Rowser due the aforementioned arguments on the background of other similar precedents. The Statute is still vital for re-discovery of the exact intentions of the appellants. However, if such intentions do not coincide with the points of the Statute, there is no reason to find a person guilty. By the way, the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Confucius Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Confucius - Essay Example fill the duties that they are supposed to perform for their families and their parents, but where such people are just being dutiful yet having no respect, there simply will be no difference between feeding their parents and feeding their horses or dogs Confucius, 1355). Thus, respect is what measures the value of a relationship and thus earning it is a great advantage for an individual. Through applying virtue while treating others, respect will be borne, since virtue entails doing what one would expect of others to do to him/her, meaning earning respect out of giving respect to others. The rule of virtue is that â€Å"what you do not wish for yourself, do not wish for others† (Confucius, 1340). Additionally, treating others as one would expect to be treated by them is advantageous, since it will enable an individual to have more friends who surrounds him/her. This is because; the hallmark of achievement of an individual is the trustworthiness with which the individual has been serving others. Trustworthiness on the other hand cannot be cultivated without there being a good and noble relationship between an individual and those who surround him. Having friends is a major benefit for an individual, because friendship brings delight (Confucius, 1355). Secondly, the benefit that an individual reaps from treating others as one wish they would be treated is that; the individual gains contentment. Contentment is derived from the assurance that the others are reciprocating what an individual has done to them, where doing good will always be accompanied by being done good for. Therefore, all that is required to derive contentment in life is just â€Å"loyalty and reciprocity, and that’s all† (Confucius, 1336). Contentment is the result of an individual doing good and not boasting about his good qualities, and without even calling attention to his good deeds. The additional benefit that comes with this aspect of treating others as one would expect to be treated buy them

Monday, September 23, 2019

Application of Nursing Theory Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Application of Nursing Theory - Assignment Example As a result, nurses often turn to nursing theory in order to make sure that they are able to help the patient in the best possible way. Part II: The Problem Nursing theory and Rehabilitation Around the world, the issue of rehabilitation is becoming a very big issue which many nursing centres have to deal with. The number of individuals who need to be rehabilitated every year is increasing every year. And so has the severity of the cases because people are now indulging more deeply in harmful drugs and alcohol. Rehabilitation is becoming an issue and many nursing professionals working in rehabilitation centres are finding it harder to be able to treat the individuals (Strong, 2013). As a result, there is an increasing need for all the stake holders to come together and develop a solution. In the United States, the problem of ineffective rehabilitation is being blamed on so many stakeholders including the following; Policy makers have been accused of making ineffective and irreverent h ealthcare policies which make it harder for rehabilitation of addicts to be effective. Policy makers are accused of failing to recognize addiction as a healthcare problem and therefore this offers very little government help for addicts, thus leaving them to have to pay the expensive costs of rehabilitation which are in often cases prohibitive and thus always leads to the patient relapsing to their vices. Justice system is also accused of failing to recognize addicts as patients and in most cases sends them to prison instead to rehabilitation centres. For instance, most addicts who are arrested with drugs are sentenced to prison terms where they end up using these drugs even more because they are readily available in the prison environment. However, it is the nursing professionals in the rehabilitation centres who end up getting the largest blame especially when they are not able to rehabilitate individuals who are struggling with addiction (Strong, 2013). Needless to say, there nee ds an overhauling of the rehabilitation process in order to help the individuals who find themselves in this deadly health problem to be able to live life again. While the policy makers and the justice system have their shares to do, the nurses should use the available resources in order to be able to help these patients and give their lives back to them. To be able to solve this issue, it will be necessary to be able to come up with ways to handle as many rehabilitation patients as possible within the limited resources available for nurses. The nurses will need to know how to deal with the patients and help them to overcome their issues without failing. Part III: Using Nursing theory to address the problem Self-care deficit nursing theory (Orem B Model of Nursing) The self-care deficit nursing theory was developed by Dorothea Orem between 1959 and 2001 and is postulated upon the argument that patients are more likely to get their health back if they are allowed to participate in th eir own healthcare. This theory is important in the treatment of rehabilitation patients due to the very nature of these patients. More than any other type of patients, a rehabilitation patient needs to relearn how to depend on himself and become self efficacious. Failing to restore this ability in the patient will also mean that the patient will relapse back to their old habit (Johnson & Roberson, 2012). Unlike most healthcare issues that nurses

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Advertising and promotion strategy Essay Example for Free

Advertising and promotion strategy Essay Since the inception of the company’s first outlet in Cleveland, Mississippi in the year 1987, Back Yard Burgers depended mostly on the word of mouth publicity to spread awareness and promote its home cooked burgers. New outlets that opened in the subsequent years expanded not only the company’s consumer base and revenue but also stressed the need for aggressive marketing strategy to sustain the increased cost of operations. Back Yard Burgers started advertising on the television in the year 1993. The initial advertising campaigns were titled â€Å"the great burger wars† that took a punch at the competitors. In June 1994 the company launched a series of campaigns that featured Dennis R. Phillipi, a popular comedian in Memphis who soon became famous as Dennis the â€Å"Back Yard Burgers Guy†. The commercials projected the burgers as bigger, tastier, and healthier than those offered by the competitors due to its grilled cooking method that melted most of the fat. The advertising campaigns were effective in increasing sales and raising the revenue by 10 to 15%. Launch of new products and subsequent commercials on the television featuring Dennis Phillipi was an effective strategy. The company used the audio of these commercials in radio advertising that was cheaper. In addition the company also used direct mail advertising. The company collects 1% of taxable sales from each franchisee and company-operated restaurants that goes to the national advertising fund. 50% of this fund is utilized for marketing promos through various channels like radio, television, and print media. The rest 50% is used for market research, new product testing, and development, improvising on the operational front. The company’s marketing director monitors product launch and new restaurant opening promotions and marketing managers with a well-trained staff. The management works in collaboration with the franchisees towards advertising and promotion of its restaurants. The advertising fee earned by the company increased from $314,000 in July 1, 2006 period to $318,000 in June 30, 2007 period. The $4000 increase over the earlier period is accounted to the 1% of sales that goes to the national advertising fund as per company policies. The company also recorded an increase in the advertising expense from $668,000 in the July 1, 2006 to $814,000 in June 30, 2007 that attributes to approximately 5% of the net restaurant sales on advertising in the past year. (see annexure for the comparative income statements). The company has been stressing on the advertising and promotion strategy but it has not been very effective. There are some important points that can be highlighted in this respect. †¢ The company has not been able to create brand loyalty and brand awareness in spite of good quality products and effective marketing strategy. This could be attributed to low brand visibility. This can be remedied with aggressive market campaigns that aim at the younger generation since this is the biggest consumer segment for the fast food industry. Strategies that aim for deeper market penetration, fun logo that people can relate to enjoyable food and moments are essential for brand positioning. â€Å"Fun logo† is a concept that the consumers can equate with good times. The simple logo of McDonald’s is easily identifiable and children and youngsters can spot it from a distance – this is one of the best examples of effective brand positioning. †¢ The other concept that the Back Yard Burgers can adopt is the use of bright color-coding for their outlets and the signboards. A bright color scheme attracts the younger generation and gives it an inviting look. The uniformity in look and feel of the franchisee restaurants and the other company-operated restaurant is essential to make an easily identifiable picture in the consumer minds. †¢ In running a successful brand promotion campaign the essential point is to identify the consumer segment. Who are the consumers and the target focus group for this chain of restaurants? The children and adolescents who form a major chunk of the consumer group typically favour the fast food industry. The working people segment is another segment that will stop by for fast and filling food in their office hours. Fast service food is ideal meal for this segment. Campaigns attracting these two segments will create brand awareness and spell higher revenues for the company. †¢ Last but not the least the quality of food and service efficiency is the crux of the fast food industry. A good and satisfying meal will have the consumers returning for more. The satisfied and happy customer will not only promote brand loyalty but will have high recommendations regarding the food and service to their friends and families. This is the greatest form of publicity that a fast food outlet can expect.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Speech motivating people Essay Example for Free

Speech motivating people Essay You never know what you have until its gone.In this modern contemporary society, we are flooded with images of success, money and power, but have you actually delved deeper into societys faà §ade and what it means to be alive? As a psychologist, I have encountered numerous individuals with diverse dilemmas, each one unique in their own way, but many have one thing in common, they take life for granted. Human beings have a curious capacity to take things for granted. The most exquisite diamond loses its lustre with familiarity. The most compatible intimate becomes boring. Miracles like the daily sunrise fail to astonish because theyre commonplace! Repetition and time dull our sense of wonder. We endow novelty with powers and attributes that it does not really possess. When a thing becomes familiar to us, the mystery we have projected onto it is lost. We see it without the overlay of our imaginings. The irony in this idiosyncrasy of human character is that we are disappointed by the very things that used to excite us. The most profound patient that has ever crossed my path was a young girl suffering from spinocerebellar degeneration, a terrible disease where the cerebellum of the brain gradually deteriorates to the point where the victim cannot walk, speak, write, or eat. This girl was around 17 and was smoothly voyaging through year 11 when she was diagnosed with the disease. Enrolled in a top selective high school with a bright prospect ahead, the heart wrenching news brought tears to her eyes for the many sessions we had together, it pained my heart to see her journey suddenly cut short. The question she asked me why me, why do I have to die early? left me at a crossroad, paths lay before me as I tried to pick which response was the most paramount to cheer her up. Looking deeply at her beautiful face streamed with tears, my heart shattered, I asked her Why do we have life? Why do we get to have this experience at all? We werent promised any deal. We arent owed this opportunity to create experiences. No one was under any obligation to deliver us any particular deal in this realm. And yet we are here. A wide open opportunity to wake up and do something completely different every day. Every day, every moment  even, an opportunity to create something in our life. This is the same question I pose to you today. She faced a greater obstacle than us, but she stood firm and persevered, writing in her diary to remember her experiences until she could no longer hold a pen. She managed to face her cruel fate with a positive outlook, and tried her best to do whatever she could by herself. A while back, my father passed away from cancer, it wasnt like we werent expecting it, its one of those things you know is inevitable, but you dont really believe it will ever happen. Parents are a constant part of our life, a part so constant and so close that we often take them for granted. The reality is that they can disappear so incredibly fast. People we love can be here one day and gone forever the next. Our days on this earth are numbered, and its something we often forget. If there are things in your life that you want to change, or things that you want to do, dont wait. Are you living the way you want to be remembered? I had put off simply picking up the phone and calling my dad to tell him how much I loved him, and now Ill never have a chance to again. If I could travel back in time, I would in a heartbeat to bridge the gap between our relationships. People desire so many things and waste their days in vain. Some yearn for gold, others for power, yet others for glory and a higher position. But when deaths moment nears and they look back at their lives theyve lived, they realise theyve been happy only during those moments when theyve loved. Our lives are but a fleeting moment in time. They come and go so quickly. Live each day of your life to the fullest, as it its all going to end tomorrow. You have to live for what you have, live for now, grasp every second that you can. Appreciate and love everything there is. Cherish every breath you take, every smile you share, and every tear that falls. These are the moments that pass without a single thought. My journey has been full of poignant experiences, but it isnt through the destination that we discover the important lessons in life, but through the  highway that we travel on, the obstacles we encounter that forces us to come face to face with reality. Thats when we learn that our most imperative messages. You never know what you have until its gone. I never fully realized just how deep the meaning of that sentence really was, until I have experienced it, and it was too late. A final quote which I would like to impart to you was by Abraham Lincoln, In the end, its not the years in your life that count. But its the life in your years.Bibliography:Jone Johnson Lewis 1995, site I used to find the quotes. Ichi Rittoru no Namida (one litre of tears), video recording sparked the idea of the speech and used the basic plot. Robert McChesney 2004, The Problem of the Media, Monthly Review Press gave me some ideas of what the media projects onto contemporary society.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Central Nervous System and Peripheral Nervous System

Central Nervous System and Peripheral Nervous System Explain the different structures and functions of the two main types of cells in the nervous system. Neurons are the nerve cells; they contain a cell body, an axon, and dendrites. The cell body is the part that contains the nucleus and cytoplasm. The axon is a piece that extends from the cell body; its job is to send impulses away from the cell body. Most are covered with myelin sheath. This sheath helps protect the axon and speeds the impulse. The dendrites branch off from the cell body also, their job is to send impulses to the cell body. Neuralgia is a connective tissue that supports the neurons. Their job is to protect the nervous system. Astrocytes look like star-shaped cells; they are the biggest of the neuroglial cells in the central nervous system. Astrocytes surround the brains blood capillaries to form blood-brain barriers which protect the brain from harmful substances. Microglia are smaller cells that eat cellular debris, waste, and pathogens in nerve tissue. Oligodendrocytes are in the interstitial nervous system, smaller than astrocytes. They wrap around axons to form myelin sheaths. As stated above, the sheaths protect the axons and speed the nerve impulses. Describe the structures and functions of the  peripheral nervous system (PNS). Be sure to include the nerves associated with the PNS, and contrast the functions of the somatic and autonomic nervous systems. The peripheral nervous system consists of nerves, which transmit impulses from the brain to other parts of the body; and ganglion, which are masses of nerve cell bodies that connect structures. There are two main groups of nerves: the afferent nerves and the efferent nerves. The afferent nerves send information from the body to the brain. The efferent nerves send information from the brain to the muscles. The system is then broken into the somatic and autonomic nervous systems. The somatic nervous system regulates the voluntary controlled parts of the skeletal muscles, while the autonomic nervous system regulates involuntary controlled parts like smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, the glands, and secretions. The autonomic nervous system is also broken into two parts: the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions. The sympathetic division responds when the body is in danger, increases heart rate, blood pressure, etc. The parasympathetic division is when the body is relaxed and resting. It is responsible for things like constriction of pupil, slowing of heart, and digestive systems. Name the two primary components of the  central nervous system (CNS).   Describe the protective membranes associated with the CNS. Differentiate between afferent and efferent nerve structure and function. The central nervous system consists of the brain and the spinal cord. The brain is protected by the skull and the spinal cord is, obviously, protected by the vertebrae. They are also surrounded by meninges and by cerebrospinal fluid. The meninges are three protective layers of tissue. The outermost layer is the dura mater, the middle is the arachnoid membrane, and then the pia mater is the innermost layer. The cerebrospinal fluid flows all around the brain and spinal cord. It provides nutrients to the central nervous system. The spinal cord consists of afferent and efferent nerves. The afferent nerves send information from the body to the brain. The efferent nerves send information from the brain to the muscles. Name and give a brief description of the structures of the brain. Include the functions of these structures. The four major divisions of the brain are the cerebrum, the cerebellum, the diencephalon, and the brain stem. The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain. It is the whole top portion of the brain; it controls the memory, sensations, and voluntary movements. The cerebellum is attached to the brain stem and its main function is to coordinate body movements and balance. The diencephalon is in between the cerebrum and the midbrain. It consists of the thalamus, which is in charge of the sensory stimuli; the hypothalamus, which is in charge of sensory functions (i.e.: sleep, appetite, etc.); and the pineal body, which is in charge of regulating the bodys biological clock. The brain stem is between the spinal cord and the diencephalon and consists of the medulla oblongata, the pons, and the upper part of the midbrain. The brain stem is the path for impulses between the brain and the body. Choose 10 pathological conditions affecting the nervous system; describe each including diagnosis and treatment, if applicable. Alzheimers disease is a progressively fatal disease. It destroys brain cells and causes memory loss. Gradually over time the person will no longer be able to write or perform tasks, and then it gets to the point that the person cannot even control bodily functions such as bowel and bladder movements. There is not really a diagnostic test yet that has identified Alzheimers. There is no cure for AD, but the use of tacrine hydrochloride is used in mild cases to improve memory. Bells palsy is generally a temporary paralysis of the muscles on one side of the face following trauma. Diagnosis is simply the inability to close eye or drooling because of no control of facial muscle on one side of the face after a trauma has occurred. There is really no treatment needed, however, facial massage, heat, prednisone for swelling, or analgesia for pain all help. Anencephaly is when there is no brain or spinal cord at birth. The only diagnosis is through an amniocentesis during pregnancy, and there is nothing they can do. Carpal tunnel syndrome is pressure on the median nerve caused by swelling of the tendons. Doctors diagnose carpal tunnel based on the symptoms of tingling in the fingers or palms of hands, pain in the wrists, or weakness in hands. Treatment uses splints, anti-inflammatory drugs, and sometimes surgery. Cerebral contusion occurs when the brain hits the inner skull and causes a bruise of the brain, happens most often in car accidents. If doctors suspect a cerebral contusion they can have an MRI or CT scan run. Treatment consists of close observation, if there is a lot of intracranial pressure then surgery may be needed. Huntingtons chorea is an inherited, degenerative disorder. The characteristics are spontaneous involuntary motor movements, speech problems, and restlessness. Since the disease is inherited, genetic testing could be done to diagnose the disease even before it begins. There is unfortunately no cure for this disease. There are many support groups for families affected by the disease. Narcolepsy is a sleeping disorder where the person can fall asleep randomly for minutes or even hours at a time. A polysomnogram can be performed to evaluate the persons sleep patterns. There is no cure, but medications are used to control the symptoms. Shingles (herpes zoster) is a viral infection that causes a rash on the body; occurs mostly in adults over 50. Flu-like symptoms, GI disturbances, tiredness, and rash are all symptoms that help to diagnose the disease. Treatments are used to help ease pain and get you better faster (analgesics or antiviral medications). Paraplegia is caused when there is severe injury to the spinal cord, results in paralysis of the lower half of the body. There is no treatment for paraplegia. However I did see online that there are many support groups for anyone who knows or falls victim to paraplegia. Multiple sclerosis is an inflammatory disease of the central nervous system. MS destructs the myelin surrounding nerves of the CNS. There are many symptoms that indicate someone could have MS: Unsteady balance, numbness of multiple extremities, facial numbness, and even impotence in males. When a doctor suspects MS an MRI may be performed, complete blood count, and spinal fluid evaluation. As with many of the diseases of the nervous system, there is no cure for MS. There are some medications that have helped prolong remissions, and as always there are support systems to help the family and persons affected by the disease.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Infertility Treatments: Is it Ethical? Essay -- fertility medications,

In this day and age several factors have changed the definition of a family. We live in a time where careers, education, and work are now put before starting a family, making it more difficult to have children. The traditional family archetype has changed with a rise in single and homosexual parenting. This change, even though it is a positive one, can result in several people being unable to have children. Infertility treatments have become a popular option for these people who cannot have children. These treatments have become popular in books, movies, and other forms which has brought attention to the ethics of the practices. The ethics of these treatments are challenged by the health risks on people seeking treatments and their potential child, the morality of how embryos are used in these treatments, and the costs of these treatments. Although these treatments have their medical risks, anyone should have the option to use these treatments because they are often the only way they can have a child. Infertility treatments are various types of medicines and medical technologies that aid pregnancy. Some forms of medicines used to treat infertility include hormone injections, fertility drugs, and ovulation drugs. Fertility medications and hormone injections increases the chances of a person to get pregnant or impregnate someone by aiding in the release of hormones to regulate specific reproductive processes such as sperm production or ovulation. Technology based infertility treatments, or more commonly known as ART-technology (assisted reproductive technology), include in-vitro fertilization, artificial insemination, and embryo/zygote transfers. Artificial insemination is a procedure where sperm is placed inside the uterus. In vi... ...e treatments should not matter because the gift of a child is priceless. Altogether the practice of infertility treatments is absolutely necessary. Even though there are some possible negative effects from treatment and treatments can be pricey, nothing can be more valuable and precious than a child. Works Cited

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Effective Communication :: essays research papers

Effective communication is vital in teaching. Fento standards encourage teachers to â€Å"select and organise relevant information clearly and concisely†¦ present information to learners clearly and in an appropriate format†¦Use a range of communication skills and methods appropriate to specific learners and to the subject being studied. ( The necessary information that we as practitioners are trying to impart to our learners needs to be transmitted in such a way as to eliminate as many barriers or elements of interference as possible. However there can be numerous factors which hinder the message that we are trying to convey. This is concisely encapsulated by Petty â€Å"The â€Å"check and correct† phase also provides vital feedback for the teacher. Is learning taking place? Am I teaching too quickly? Are they doing it properly? The importance of this feedback cannot be over-stressed.† (Page 30) Petty here was recognising that a common barrier to learning is that the receiver may interpret the message that we send in their own way, according to their common frames of reference, which may be different from ours as the sender. An easy trap for us as practitioners to fall in is the use of â€Å"jargon†. There may be terms or words that we may use regularly and are comfortable using, however, some of our learners may not have experienced or even understand these terms. To help to minimise this confusion Reece and Walker suggest that â€Å"Non verbal signals – or even verbal signals, from the students should give us valuable feedback on the quality of communications.† (Page 271) Therefore we as practitioners must be vigilant in recognising the subtle or even not so subtle feedback on whether the information that we have imparted to the learners has been received in the context that it was sent. This may even include a question and answer session to determine understanding. The effective design and use of conventional and ICT learning materials. The availability of new types of resources and new types of interaction can satisfy different learning preferences and present alternative ways of accessing the same information. Reece and Walker (page 181) â€Å"A good aid is one which does a particular job to assist in the learning of a particular topic for a particular group of learners. But all learners are different. So, what works for one group does not necessarily work with another.† Therefore, we must continue to evaluate any resources that we may design and create that it is appropriate for the purpose, each student’s learning style, ability and understanding.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Womens Basketball Essay

The average man also tends to be faster ND stronger than the average woman according to Livingston. Com. Women, nonetheless, are very athletic and skilled in their own right and deserve the same recognition as athletes as men receive. The reason their games are not as widely viewed publicly is simply because they are not as fun to watch. For example the average attendance for a Los Angles Lasers game in 2011 was 18,997 people (ESP.. Com). While the average attendance for a Los Angles Sparks game, who plays in the same arena, was 1 0, 1 76 people which is higher than all other WAN teams for that season according to probabilistically. Mom. This can be changed with just a simple tweak of the playing equipment. Handicapping in female sports is quite common; it gives the women the chance to have the same kind of success as the men in their respective sports, which is why lowering the rims in women's basketball would provide more support for the game by making it more entertaining to watch which would mean higher attended games and more television viewers. If the rims were lowered, women's basketball would be much more entertaining to watch.Women would be able to finish shots closer to the rim teeter which would result in higher scoring and much more exciting games. The reason men have such a large following worldwide is because people love watching some of the best athletes in the world do things on a court with a ball that nobody else can do. Women's basketball players are no different. They, too, are the some of the best athletes in the world, but they just can't do everything on a court that a man can do because they are naturally built differently.Men tend to be much taller and stronger than women, and are able to jump higher and play much more aggressively. Lowering the rim, even just seven inches, would allow the female players to do more of the things that men can do, like dunk and hit high level of difficulty shots more often. One of the main promoters of th is idea is the University of Connecticut head women's basketball coach Gene Uremia, a seven time national champion with the Huskies who also led the women's IIS Olympic team to a gold medal this past summer in London. What makes fans not want to watch women's basketball is that some of the players can't shoot and they miss lay-ups and that forces the game to slow down,† states Uremia (Gregory). He argues hat the lowering of the rim would increase the shooting percentages and increase the final scores, making it an overall much more exciting game to watch. This would in turn result in an increased audience and would be beneficial for the growth of the game and the women getting the attention and respect that they deserve. Adjusting the playing equipment in women's sports is a very common practice.The nets are lower than the men's in women's volleyball, the tees are moved up closer to the pin in golf, softball fields are smaller than baseball fields, and even in basketball their balls are already smaller to account for hysterical differences. That is why it is not unjust or sexist to propose lowering the rims to adjust to women's differences in size and athleticism, for it would only be beneficial for female sports. It is unfair to expect women to play on a 10 foot rim and still get the type of attention that men get. The difference in athleticism and size just won't allow for that. In 2007, NAB. Mom did a survey and found that the average NAB player is six feet and nine inches tall. A similar survey done in 2003 by WAN. Com found that the average height of a player is five feet eleven inches tall. This difference is the exact reason why men are dunking and women aren't, but more importantly, why people are watching the men's games but not the women's games. Men are taller and have an easier time dunking and finishing off balance shots, while the smaller women have to work harder to put the ball through the basket. Basketball fans like to see the high scor ing games and the powerful slam-dunks.This is proven by the NAB All-Star weekend in which there is not only an All-Star game, but a Slam-Dunk contest and Three-Point contest as well which totaled in 2,729,000 viewers in 2012 (Savage). The WAN All-Star game had a total of 756,000 viewers in 201 1 (Costa). These numbers show how much more people would rather watch the men play then the women. Changes need to be made to even these numbers out. Other sports have followed this blueprint where the equipment used is adjusted to make them more successful, and it is time that basketball followed suit.Lowering the rims in women's basketball is a very controversial and not yet widespread topic. In fact, it is a very new subject that is only recently gaining attention. There are many opponents to the idea of the basket being lowered or women, as well as many hurdles to get through in order for it to take effect. In order for this to happen, there would have to be a long process of meetings and rule changes and an agreement between all leagues of women's basketball both collegiate and professionally.The NCAA released a statement saying, â€Å"The NCAA continues to work with its members and others to grow the game Of women's basketball, but the issue Coach Uremia has raised is not before our membership for consideration† (AltaVista). Also, almost every gym that women play in is the home court to a men's team as ell. So there are ID foot baskets in every facility already, and switching all of those to height adjustable rims would require a significant renovation. There are also critics of this idea who believe lowering the rims is an insult to female athletes everywhere: â€Å"†¦ Roaring the rims would further ostracize young girls who are trying to learn the game on courts across the country, often right alongside boys,† states Kate Fagan, a writer for ASPEN. Com, a women's sports site: (Lowering) â€Å"The problem is people insist on comparing it to the men's game, suggesting women would attract more fans if they dunked and played above the rim, like men. This obsession with comparing women's basketball to men's doesn't exist in other sports†¦ F the argument is that people don ‘t watch women's basketball because it's slower and less explosive, then lowering the rim all the rims, for girls and women every/here does nothing to change that' (Fagan). The entertainment factor does not appeal to many that are close to the game, and they are happy with how the sport is and feel it needs no change. What Pagan's argument fails to mention though, is that professional women's settable is hardly a profitable organization. The average NAB player makes about $3 million per year, while the average WAN player makes about $35,880 per year.Why shouldn't men and women be paid the same for playing the same game and working just as hard? The only way this will happen is if women's basketball gains more fans and becomes just as popular and g lorified as the men's games. Like the adjustments for women in other sports, lowering the rim would give women a chance to be more successful which would in turn make the game more entertaining to watch. By more people watching the games and giving it more support, both the NCAA and WAN would gain more fans and more money.With this money, WAN teams could get television deals like the NAB teams, which would mean more young girls could watch the games and be motivated to go and pick up a basketball themselves. The more young women there are that play basketball, the better the competition will be which would result in even better players then there are today. Basketball is a great sport and women deserve just as much recognition for their talents as the men receive. Lowering the rim would provide all that it would lead to more equality between men's and women's basketball.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Crackling Day By Peter Abrahams Essay

â€Å"Crackling day’ is a story about a young black boy in South Africa that challenges three white youths and, in so doing, challenges the political system of the whole country. The very famous writer Peter Abrahams wrote it. It set in Africa in the times of apartheid. Apartheid was a â€Å"system’ or a mentality as it were was apposed on South Africa after the Second World War and the country gained independence from Great Britain. This did not mean that it would be the South Africans that â€Å"ran’ the country, as it was the British that were still in control. Apartheid laws were imposed on South Africa in 1948 and on June 13, 1950 the Group Areas Act was enacted. It segregated communities and relegated the black population to a minor percentage of the nation’s land, therefore meaning that white people mostly owned the land and the land on which the black people resided was often not even theirs. Everyone in the country had to register themselves as white, black (African), or coloured (of mixed race e.g. Asian). In 1953, the Public Safety Act and the Criminal Law Amendment Act were passed, which empowered the government to declare stringent states of emergency and increased penalties for protesting against or supporting the repeal of a law. The penalties included fines, imprisonment and whippings. In 1960, a large group of blacks in Sharpsville refused to carry their passes; the government declared a state of emergency. The emergency lasted for 156 days, leaving 69 people dead and 187 people wounded. Wielding the Public Safety Act and the Criminal Law Amendment Act, the white regime had no intention of changing the unjust laws of apartheid. In 1989 there were approximately 19 million blacks in the country and on 4.5 million whites and yet whites had 87% of the land and blacks owned only 13%. The whites also received about 75% of the countries income with the blacks receiving 25% or less. The health and education services that blacks were allowed was also appalling with one doctor per 44,000 blacks whereas the whites had one doctor per 400 people and 1 teacher per 60 blacks whereas there was 1 teacher per 22 whites. Apartheid and how it affected people is the main subject of the story and can  clearly be seen throughout. Lee had to collect cow dung everyday so that he, his Aunt and his Uncle could use it as fuel. It was the only material that they could use for cooking and as a fire, possibly the only thing that they could use to keep their â€Å"house’ warm. Lee and all â€Å"the children of the location made the long trek to Elsberg siding for the square of pig’s rind that passed for out daily meat’. The children had to do this once a week, every Wednesday. Also not the place where the lived was simply â€Å"the location’ and had no name, whereas the place they were heading towards (where all the white people lived) did have a name, Elsberg. This gives the reader the thought that where the black people lived was considered a place that didn’t matter hence it had no name. Elsberg was also not a close by town; it was a â€Å"long trek’. This meant that the white people lived far away from the blacks, coincidence or purposefully put so that they were split up from each other? From the evidence and the time in which the story is set I would have to say that this was no coincidence. In the time of Apartheid the different â€Å"race groups’ were split up and it is therefore my conclusion that the whites did not want to live near the blacks, whereas the blacks had no choice. What we also notice that is a very important fact is that they cannot have any â€Å"daily meat’ and are instead walking miles for some pig crackling. This is not a nutritious thing to eat but they either couldn’t afford to buy meat or are not allowed any by the â€Å"baas’. The crackling that they do get is not even given to them. Earlier in the story we read that Lee’s Aunt wore a â€Å"thin’ (she, therefore is thin) dress with a pocket that was â€Å"nearest the skin’ and that â€Å"from this she pulled a sixpenny piece’ and â€Å"tied it in a knot on the corner on the corner of a bit of coloured cloth’. With this sixpenny (worth about 2.5 pence in today’s money) he bought the crackling off of the white man. Also note that it says that Lee â€Å"tucked it into the little canvas bag’. The word little is quite emotive as it shows that Lee does not have much. The man that was serving the crackling to the black children â€Å"did it in leisurely fashion, with long pauses for a smoke’ and he â€Å"occasionally turned his back’. From this we can see the affects of apartheid and what it does to  people. The â€Å"young man’ that was serving them was taking his time, and being facetious, flippant and dismissive. Not only that, but he was doing this towards young children. We can see that apartheid has made this young man think that he is greater than black children. This, therefore in his mind has justified his actions in believing he had the right to behave in such a manner. Apartheid, being part of South Africa’s legislation did give him the right to act in this manner by law. Along with apartheid in â€Å"Crackling Day’, there are also tough living conditions evident. Lee lives with his Uncle and Aunt but it is the white man’s land that they are living on. We can see this when later in the story the white man wants Uncle Sam to â€Å"teach him’ and warns Sam â€Å"if you and he are to live here, you must teach him’. From this we can see that the white man wants Lee to be â€Å"taught a lesson’ but does not want to have to punish him himself. It would be much more upsetting for Sam, Liza and Lee if Sam himself did it. Note that he does not include Aunt Liza when he is talking about the people living on his land. This is because in the times of apartheid it wasn’t just racism that was infection, it was sexism as well. Aunt Liza, being a woman, was not considered much and not worth much. This plays a crucial part later on in that particular scene. Lee also had to walk out in the cold with bare feet and they therefore cannot afford or obtain shoes. The author also uses different language styles to emphasize just how tough it is. He uses hyperbole like when he said â€Å"after what seemed hours’. He uses personification of the cold so that it makes us picture in our minds just how bad it is and how much of a â€Å"cruel enemy’ it was. He uses similes like when he said that the morning air â€Å"went down my throat like an icy draught’. He uses alliteration like when he said that the â€Å"sun sat high in the sky’. Note he also used alliteration and personification and alliteration in that last sentence saying that the sun â€Å"sat’. To always have to be humble, differential and submissive in the presence of someone who is so arrogant, aggressive and forceful cannot be easy. They also have to deal with collecting cow dung for fuel, eating only crackling and bread for which they have to walk for hours for, always having to â€Å"turn the other cheek’ and deal with all the rest of the immoral acts injustices that they are regularly put through. As a result of these facts, all the characters feel fear and need to show courage on a daily basis. Some examples of the difficult conditions which individual characters face are like when Lee and Andreas were startled by a â€Å"Boer dog’ (Boer being the term that described the settlers that came from Europe and Settled in South Africa). These dogs were trained to kill black people and this is something that young children had to face. The two had to get away from the dog (even though it was behind a fence). Uncle Sam has to live in fear of the white man because, by law, he is their superior and the fact that they are living on his land means that he could throw them out into the realms of homelessness where the destitute struggle. However, there are also specific incidents, which reveal the themes of courage and fear. The most prolific, courageous and important incident was one that seemed almost hidden. After Uncle Sam had beaten Lee the white man and the boys were leaving. The white man said â€Å"Good Night’ to Sam, to which Sam replied â€Å"Good night baas, sorry about all this’. The white man then said â€Å"Good night, Liza’ and â€Å"Liza did not answer’. This is very significant, as not replying to the white man could be shown as disrespectful and even breaking the law. The family could have been thrown off of the land for it. But, as stated earlier Aunt Liza is a woman and as such was considered not worth it by the white man. Just Before this Aunt Liza had also shown courage. After Sam had beaten Lee the white man said â€Å"bet his father’s one of those who believe in equality’. Aunt Liza said very bluntly to this â€Å"his father is dead’. This was not a humble thing to say, which was what was expected of her being black and a woman. Lee showed courage on two occasions. The first was when he and Andreas were running away from the white boys who were shouting at them â€Å"your fathers are dirty black bastards of baboons!’ Lee showed courage by stopping, turning round and â€Å"screaming’ â€Å"You’re a Liar!’ What prepared us for this was the fact that when Andreas was telling Lee that they should run and then changed his mind and told him to walk quietly Lee kept on asking â€Å"why?’ Lee wasn’t as â€Å"street-wise’ as it were when it came to avoiding the white children and how to act around white people. This is probably due to Lee being an â€Å"out-of-towner’ and he had just come from Johannesburg. This was courageous in the sense that not only was he standing up to the white boys but also he was standing up to the whole political system of the country. The second time that Lee showed courage was when Uncle Sam told Lee to tell the white man that he is sorry. This he did not and instead pleaded â€Å"he insulted my father’. This is a lot of courage to show for a small boy, and I don’t think it was out of stubbornness. In â€Å"Crackling Day’ Lee faces many challenges: he feels fear and displays courage in dealing with his fears. One example of this is the cold whether. Lee has to go out every Wednesday and walk for hours in the cold. He first shows courage out of dealing with this instead of winging about it, he even â€Å"trotted off’ as if he was willing to go. This shows he has a positive attitude towards this, which in itself requires tremendous courage. The author talks about the cold a lot during the story. He also utilizes different language styles to do so. He started by using similes about how cold the morning air was: â€Å"There was a sharp bite to the morning air I sucked in; it stung my nose so that tears came to my eyes; it went down my throat like an icy draught; my nose ran’. That was a long sentence! He uses this repetition for the sake of emphasis and effect. He also used a simile in there when it said â€Å"it went down my throat like an icy draught’. This is to give the reader the right picture and feeling of what it’s like and how hard it is for Lee. So in one sentence  he put in repetition and a simile. The story continues: â€Å"I tried breathing through my mouth, but this was worse. The cold went through my shirt and shorts; my skin went pimply and chilled; my fingers went numb and began to ache; my feet felt like frozen lumps that did not belong to me, yet jarred and hurt each time I put them down. I began to feel sick and desperate’. The second sentence again had repetition and a simile. So from that paragraph there is a long sentence, a short one, a long one, and again a short one. All this adds up to allow some insight as to what it was like for him. We can see how immoral it is for this young boy to have to go through all the suffering, not once, but every Wednesday. It then says later on: â€Å"We were creatures haunted and hounded by the cold.’ There’s a metaphor. â€Å"It was a cruel enemy who gave no quarter’. That’s very emotive personification. â€Å"And our meanings of fighting it were pitifully inadequate. In all the mornings and evenings of the winter months, young and old, big and small, were helpless victims of the bitter cold.’ Now the writer has started referring to the cold as â€Å"it’ and â€Å"bitter’. The story continues: â€Å"Only toward noon and in the early afternoon, when the sun sat high in the sky, was there a brief respite.’ There we have two instances of alliteration. â€Å"For us, the children, the cold, especially the morning cold, assumed an awful a malevolent personality.’ A lot of personification there, even describing â€Å"its’ personality! â€Å"We talked of â€Å"it’. â€Å"It’ was a half-human monster with evil thoughts, evil intentions, bent on destroying us.’ Much more personification that helps us see how much of an â€Å"enemy’ the cold was. The author has just â€Å"painted us a picture’ of what it was like for these two boys and how the hated and feared the cold. All of this tells us that Lee and Andreas are two boys that accept the way that they have to live and face it with courage and with a positive attitude. They realise that that is the society that they have to live in  and accept their lives. Another thing that Lee and Andreas fear is Hunger. The author shows this by, again, using personification and use of language. We are told â€Å"Hunger was an enemy too, but one with whom we could come terms, who had many values and virtues’. We are told here how hunger was also an enemy but not as bad as the cold. The author uses personification of these two factors (the cold and the hunger) is very skilfully. The incident with the man giving out the crackling demonstrates the theme of power and it’s importance in society. As stated earlier the man that was serving the crackling to the black children â€Å"did it in leisurely fashion, with long pauses for a smoke’ and he â€Å"occasionally turned his back’. Lee, Andreas and the rest of the black children have to call the white man â€Å"baas’ as a sign of respect. The white man wouldn’t serve Lee until he did: † â€Å"well?† the man repeated coldly. â€Å"Please, baas,’ I said. â€Å"What d’you want?† â€Å"Sixpence crackling, please.† â€Å"What?† Andreas dug me in the ribs. â€Å"Sixpence crackling, please.† â€Å"What?† â€Å"Sixpence crackling, please, baas†Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ. We can see that the white man has far more power than Lee or Andreas and as such they have to treat him as their superior. To respond in the way that Lee and Aunt Liza did to their fear demands courage because by law they are in the wrong. When Lee stands up to the white boys and when Aunt Liza stands up to the white man they are also standing up to the entire political system of their culture at that time. For doing so they could be beaten, thrown off of the white man’s land or even killed. The author is showing the difference in position between whites and blacks. He does this by showing that the man selling the crackling and the white man that owns the land can do whatever pleases them and get the black people to do whatever pleases them. The black people have to respond by being humble, differential and submissive. The character of Uncle Sam is what would be expected of him in that culture and time period. When he came home and Aunt Liza told him what had happened the author says â€Å"he, too, just looked at me and became more remote and withdrawn. They were waiting for something.’ Uncle Sam and Aunt Liza knew that that got beaten up by Lee would probably either tell his parents or his parents would see the bruises and ask what had happened. They knew that the white man would be coming round to their house to enquire what had happened. Uncle Sam was probably in a state of fear, of the white man, hence him becoming â€Å"remote’ and â€Å"withdrawn’. Another thing that displays that he is in a state of fear is that when they heard â€Å"a trap pull up outside’ Uncle Sam simply says â€Å"here it comes.’ When people are anxious, worried or afraid they tend to murmur or talk quickly. When the door â€Å"burst open’ and the â€Å"tall, broad white man strode in’ Uncle Sam greeted him in a respectful, humble manner (what was expected of him) by saying â€Å"Evening, baas’ and the text then tells us â€Å"Uncle Sam murmured’. It even tells us that he is murmuring! It then later says † â€Å"He’s sorry, baas,† Uncle Sam said quickly’. This definitely tells us that he is afraid of something as he is talking â€Å"quickly’. Uncle Sam does show courage when he lies to the white man. He tells him â€Å"I’ve given him a hiding he won’t forget’. The white man could easily find out, by examining Lee and this, again, could get the family thrown off of the white man’s land. When Lee doesn’t tell the white man that he is sorry and instead says that they â€Å"insulted’ his father the white man makes Uncle Sam beat Lee. As he is doing so he says â€Å"You must never lift your hand to a white person’ and it describes him as saying so â€Å"bitterly’. He is saying it â€Å"bitterly’ because of course he doesn’t want to have to hurt Lee. Sam beats Lee because he knows that he has to. If he doesn’t then all manner of things could happen to him,  Liza and Lee, the least of which being thrown off of the white man’s land. After they have left Sam begins to sob. This is because he feels so guilty and angry with himself, the white man, and the political system that they have to live under. The next day he simply says to Aunt Liza â€Å"One day†Ã‚ ¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ This is a threat towards the white man and, again the political system. It is probably an empty and hollow threat but he has to keep thinking this to give him a reason to be angry and something to be angry at. The next day Liza was â€Å"dishing out the food’ to Sam and Lee and â€Å"insistently’ reassured Sam â€Å"It’s all right’. Liza understood that Sam did what he had to do and that Sam was feeling guilty. She knew that he needed some comfort and assurance that what he did was what he had to. In conclusion, the types of courage and fears demonstrated in â€Å"Crackling Day’ are facing up to reality, doing what you have to do, though it may not be right, standing up to what you feel is wrong. All the main black characters through the story show some type of fear one-way of another. Uncle Sam was afraid of the results if he did not do what the white man told him but he still did not want to hurt Lee. Sam’s courage was lying to the white man in a desperate attempt to prevent Lee from being hurt or being completely exposed to the injustice and immorality of apartheid. Aunt Liza showed incredible courage when she did not reply to the white man even though she knew that it might cause the family to suffer. Lee and Andreas both showed fear by actually going out and facing the cold, hunger and the long hours of walking. Lee single-handedly showed courage when he stood up to the white boys and when he did not say he was sorry (the first time anyway) to the white man. The message the author is trying to communicate in â€Å"Crackling Day’ is that fear and a hard way of life bring courage and even the most unlikely people can be the most courageous. I think the main point that the author was trying to put to the reader is the immorality of apartheid and racism and what it can do to people physically and mentally.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Common Types of Viruses Essay

âž ¢ Trojan Horses – A Trojan Horse are computer viruses that hide inside non-executable files such as compressed or document files and executable files and try to avoid detection by anti-virus programs such as Norton or McAfee. Trojan Horses usually appear to be useful computer files/programs such as computer game or data library. Famous Trojan Horse Programs o Back Orifice Latest Trojan Horses News o Trojan.Pgpcoder – unique new kind of threat – Install itself on vulnerable computer after user visit a certain website. âž ¢ Polymorphic Viruses A polymorphic virus is an encrypted virus that hides itself from anti-virus trough encrypted (scrambled) data and then decrypted itself to be able to spread trough the computer. The thing that makes it hard for anti-virus software to detect polymorphic viruses is that the virus generates an entirely new decryption routine each time it infects a new executable file making the virus signature different in each signature. âž ¢ Stealth Viruses A stealth virus hides the modifications made to file and boot records by modifying and forging the result of calls to function, therefore programs believe they are reading the original file and not the modified file. A good anti-virus software will probably detect stealth virus due to the fact that a stealth virus attempts to hide itself in memory when anti-virus software is launched. âž ¢ Slow Viruses A Slow virus is a difficult virus to detect due to the fact it only modifies and infects files when they are been modified and copied. Therefore the original file will not be infected by the actual copied file. A good way to protect yourself against slow viruses is by using an integrity checker or shell. âž ¢ Retro Viruses A Retro virus attacks the anti-virus software designed to delete it. The retro virus usually attempts to attack the anti-virus data files such as the virus signature store which disable the ability of the anti-virus software to detect and delete viruses. Otherwise the retro virus attempts to alter the operation of the anti-virus software. âž ¢ Multipartite Viruses A multipartite virus attempts to attack and infect both the boot sector and executable files at the same time. âž ¢ Armored Viruses An Armored virus attempts to protect itself from anti-virus software by trying to make anti-virus software believe it is located somewhere else. Therefore the Armored virus has made itself more difficult to0 trace, disassemble and understand. âž ¢ Companion Viruses A Companion virus creates a companion file for each executable file the virus infects. Therefore a companion virus may save itself as and every time a user executes scandisk.exe, the computer will load and therefore infects the system. âž ¢ Phage Viruses A Phage virus is a very destructive virus that re-writes an executable program with it’s own code, rather than just attaching itself to a file. Therefore a Page virus will usually attempt to delete or destroy every program it infects. âž ¢ Revisiting Viruses A Revisiting virus is a worm virus and attempts to copy itself within the computers memory and then copy itself to another linked computer using TCP/IP protocols. The Morris worm virus in the late 1980’s was the first major virus threat to hit the Internet.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Historical Development of the Early Childcare Essay

a) History and current status of childcare provision in Ireland During the early Twentieth century in Ireland there was a lack of job opportunities for women in the workforce. Women were still seen largely seen as the ‘stay at home figure’. Due to this environmental impact, children were cared for in their own homes mainly by their mothers. Therefore there was less of a demand in the Early Childcare Education sector. This ended when children started attending Primary school. During the latter part of the Twentieth century, during the times of the Celtic Tiger, the number of job opportunities for women in the workforce escalated. This resulted in an increase in urbanisation and a decrease in family support. For example: Families lived further apart from each other, and as a result, it did not make sense to leave the children with their grandmother or other family members due to financial restrictions such as the price of fuel, or time restrictions such as the length of time taken to leave the children from one  destination to the ot her. This lead to parents seeking the childminding services privately or within their local area. Statistics have shown that approximately 60% of children under six years of age attended a form of childcare service at this time. (Class Notes) There was a substantial increase in the demand for both private and community childcare services. In response to the rapidly increasing demand for childcare service, it was deemed necessary that an ‘Expert Working Group on Childcare’ was formed. The Expert Working Group came together and arranged a meeting to discuss ways to resolve the upcoming problems within the childcare services sector. They held discussions on how to make childcare services more readily available and accessible to families in Ireland. It was recognized at this point, that there was a need to develop a ‘National Strategy’ to assist them with the transformation of the current childcare services sector. Thus, a National Strategy was developed and was published in 1999. The National strategy recognized and contained the following principles: ‘The Needs and the rights of the child, Equality of access and participation, Diversity, Partnership and Quality’ (Class Notes Page 2) It also contained suggestions and advice on support for parents/guardians, Laws relating childcare, Qualifications, Employment, Planning and Co-ordination. In 2002, the Centre for Early childhood development and Education was established. This centre was set up to develop standards and to improve the childcare sector. The Centre for early Childhood Development and Education aimed to ensure that every childcare setting (whether it was a Full-time / Part-time service or a Public / Private service); met the criteria and quality standards that that were established by the Centre. The main objective of the Centre for Early childhood development and Education was to focus on improving more disadvantaged are as as well as the more advantaged areas so as to ensure that all areas within the childcare sector offered the same quality of services In 2006, ‘Siolta’ was launched. Siolta was set up to implement the first aim of the Centre for Early Childhood Development and Education which was to develop the current standards within the childcare sector. This was called ‘The National Quality Framework for Early Education’. This ensured that there was support in improving quality across all childcare services which contained children from 0-6 years of age. Further to this, in 2009, a new scheme was introduced within the Childcare sector. The Early Childcare  Education scheme ‘Free pre-school place’ was formed. The free pre-school place enabled children within the age range of 3 years and 3 months and 4 years 6 months in September of the relevant year to engage in one free academic year within a full time or seasonal service. If a childcare service/ centre wanted to take part in the Early Childcare Education scheme, the criteria set out by Siolta had to be met and furthermore the Principles set by An Siolta would have to be implemented within their current childcare setting. It is important to recognize that this is the first time that Early childhood education has received any direct Universal funding. As a result of the free pre-school place initiative, the demand within the childcare sector continued to grow. (Siolta) More recent developments within the childcare sector include the introduction of a new initiative called ‘Aistear’, which was established by the Department of Education and Skills through NCCA in 2010. Aistear from the Irish word meaning ‘journey’, is of relevant importance to childcare settings where children from the ages of 0-6 years receive their care and education. Aistear works closely alongside Siolta and consists of an informal curriculum that contains twelve principles and themes that give guidance to the childcare worker. Aistear recognizes that education and care are not separate within the childcare sector and they aim to help children grow and develop independently.(Aistear) b) Current range of childcare provision in Ireland Six types of services that can be categorised under sessional and fulltime services are: Naà onraà  – A Naà onraà  is a sessional service. It organises and communicates with the playgroup through the medium of Irish, they recognise each child as individuals. The service doesn’t put pressure on children to speak Irish, they still encourage and support children either way. As the children are surrounded in Irish they will gradually pick up and learn the language in their own time. The service is recognised by Forbairt Naà onraà . Parent and toddler groups – This is a sessional service and is supported by Early Childhood Ireland. Parents and their children/toddlers meet in one area, often held in one of the parent houses who are taking part in the service. It gives children the opportunity to gain the experience of interacting with others, therefore promoting and developing the child’s social skills. It also gives parents the opportunity to intera ct with other  parents, gaining support of each other. Montessori pre-schools – The pre-school is usually privately run, it develops its curriculum around the methods of Dr Maria. The Montessori focuses mainly on the child’s educational development, its curriculum is therefore more practical based, isn’t fully focused on play. This action of purely practical based education may be scrutinised by certain individuals as it thought by some theorists that children should experience and develop through the experience of play at this young age. The pre-school functions on academic year and mainly cares for children from three to six years of age. Home and community playgroups – Home and community playgroups care for children within the age range of 2 and a half to five years of age, they operate in either a home or community basis. Home playgroups are generally privately funded where as community playgroups receive funding from the government, each service usually opens and runs for a period of three to four hours each day. The service highlights and develops children’s social and emotional learning through play. Crà ¨ches, Nurseries and Day care services – These services are recognised as a fulltime service and cater for children from the age of approximately three months to five years of age. They are open at a minimum of eight hours a day and usually provide a day-to-day curriculum. The services can be privately or publicly run, an increase in demand for these services greatly increased after the Free Pre-School Year was introduced. Each service provides the children attending the service with a hot meal and snacks during the duration of the day. Each service helps met the child’s safety, welfare and developmental needs. They also help children make the best of their abilities, whether that be through play or practical learning. Family Day Care – Children are looked after in the childminders home. There is no specific age group that Family Day Care caters for, they can cater for all different age groups at once in the same facility. The hours that the carer caters for the children is arranged between the child’s parent and the carer. The children become easily settled in this form of day care as they are only interacting and building a relationship with one adult with the service. The children are provided with snacks and possibly hot meals, depending on the length of time the child is attending the service. The service is supported and recognised by Childminding Ireland. c) Current range of roles in childcare support organisations and agencies Health Service Executive (HSE) – is the first service contacted when there is a serious concern involving a child safety or family issue , the Health Service Executive then has the responsibility of bringing services and agencies together to help resolve the concerned matter. The Health Service Executive provides services that helps protect and support children, parents/guardians and families. There are many roles within the Health Service Executive, they include: Family support worker – The Family support worker offers support and supplies services to family’s going through emotionally distressing times. The Family Support Worker tries to keep families remained together unless there is a family member deemed at serious risk if kept together. Some of the services that The Family Support Worker will supply to the family to try help resolve the issues are, â€Å"Parenting Skills, Confidence and Personal Development, Home Care management, Diet, Nutrition and Health Care, Budgeting and family Finance†. (Class notes page 4) Community Childcare Worker – The Community Childcare Worker works alongside professionals to give support to children who are in disadvantaged families, deemed at risk, deprived or in care. The Community Childcare Worker also helps children deal with or come to an understanding of why they are in that care home. Social Worker – works with problematic families and individuals, The Social Worker helps resolve problems in families whether that is emotional, behavioural or social problems. Social Workers also deal with problems such as child abuse, domestic violence, and adoption. Before removing children from their home and separating families social worker s have to prove that they have gave families every option possible, if the family /parents does not comply with any of the options, the matter continues to rise and the child/children are still recognised at risk then the case is taken to court and assessed by a Judge whether the child/children should be removed from the family home, thus action is seen as a last resort. Barnardos – Barnardos is Ireland’s biggest children’s charity. It is focused on working with children and families on, whether that be group work or one-on-one interaction. Barnardos help children make the best of their abilities when going through difficult situations, such as neglect, abuse,  or poverty. They provide a range of services to help families through distressing time’s i.e counselling, and bereavement help lines. Barnardos also protest against Government laws that affect children and their way of living e.g. child benefit cuts. d) Six National Childcare organisations Barnardos – Barnardos is Ireland’s biggest children’s charity, it is mainly focused on working with children and families. Barnardos provide a range of services to help assist and support families through distressing times, they also help children make the best of their abilities whilst going through or have gone through difficult times e.g. neglect. Childminding Ireland- is a registered Charity and was created in 1986. It was created by a small group of childminders that further grew into a bigger organisation. The organisation promotes home-based childcare. Forbairt Naà onraà  Teoranta – is a voluntary organisation which supports education and care for children from birth who are brought up in Irish. St.Nicholas Montessori Society of Ireland – Provide opportunities for Montessori teachers to further their profession. They also offer help, support and give guidance for Montessori teachers. The Irish Society for the prevention of Children’s Cruelty – Provide a 24hour support service for children who are going through a difficult situations. States that id high quality childcare service wants to keep their service high quality, then the service must ensure that there is good child protection within the facility. The organisation also recognises children are individuals and therefore the child’s right s and values should be supported. Border Counties Childcare Network – Is a network that services in counties such as Monaghan, Meath, Louth, Cavan, Donegal, Sligo and Leitrim in helping deliver a childhood service of high quality. LO4: Clear explanation the rights of the child in the context of an ECCE setting. A) Examine the UN convention on the Rights of the Child. The UN convention on the Rights of the Child has 54 articles. These  fifty-four articles are a written list of the different types of the child’s rights, if those rights are intentionally broken it is seen as breaking the law. The UN convention on the Rights of the child can be broken into four broad areas, these four areas are – Survival, Development, Protection and Participation. Survival – The child has a right to life and the right to the basic requirements to survive life e.g. food, water, shelter, clothing, medical aid. Development – The child has a right to education, religion, play, develop the identification of right and wrong and leisure. The child also has the right to be provided with a safe environment to develop these skills and knowledge. Protection – The child has the right to be protected against abuse and neglect. If a child has come in interference with and suffered from abuse then the child has the right to some form of counselling to come to an understanding and overcome the traumatic situation. Participation – The child has the right to join organisations e.g. clubs, groups, freedom of expression and speech. Standard 1: Right of the child. â€Å"Ensuring that each child’s rights are met, requires that she/he is enabled to exercise choice and to use initiative as an active participant and partner in her/his own development and learning.† (Siolta page 13) Component 1.1 – Choice for the child Practitioners could put component 1.1 into practice at meal time. By giving the child the options at meal time, this could be achieved by giving the child the choice of two different meals therefore enabling the child to make its own choices. If a child decides they do not want to eat at meal time the practitioner should respect the child’s decision. By having different utensils available at meal time e.g. chopsticks, this provides choice for the child. The child can then make the choice on what they want to eat there meal with. Component 1.2 – Use initiative A practitioners could put component 1.2 into practice with a child from twelve – thirty-six months by providing the opportunity of letting the child out on its coat independently, enabling the child to zip or button  the coat. The practitioner should talk the child through the process, encourage the child as she/he is trying to overcome and accomplish the task and support the child if he/she comes into difficulty. Component 1.3 – active participants A practitioner could put component 1.3 into practice with a child from birth to eighteen months by viably communicating. While/when the practitioner is changing the child’s nappy he/she could viably communicate to the child and make eye contact whilst changing its nappy. The practitioner could also sing nursery rhymes and act out movements to the child e.g. three little pigs, touching the child’s toes whilst singing the rhyme. This makes the child feel comfortable and an active participant throughout the activity. LO2: Detained description of the qualifications and experience needed for work associated with one occupation in the ECCE sector. a) Outline legislations, policies, practices and procedures pertaining to ECCE provision. Childcare Act 1991 Provides asset of rules relating to children/young adults under the age of eighteen in Ireland, it governs the care and protection of children in Ireland. (Classnotes) Due to this legislation the Health Service Executive has a mandatory duty to promote and protect the wellbeing of all children under this act. Children who are being abused or at risk, this Act allows those children to be removed or be placed under the care of the Health Service Executive. In relation to preschool services the Act is consulted with when rules and regulations are being drawn up for the supervision of children of pre-school services. Under the Act the pre-school carers have a responsibility and duty to implement safety and wellbeing of children under their pre-school setting. If the pre-school carer has concern for a child’s safety health it is their responsibility to notify the Health Service Executive. If a new pre-school setting is being set up or is intending to set up the local Health Service Executive must be notified. The Health Service Executive then has a duty to inspect the pre-school setting to  ensure the health and safety standards of the setting are being met. The rules and regulations drawn up from the Act must be strictly followed by the practitioners. Childcare (preschool services) Regulations 2006 The regulation outlines the standards that a preschool setting of any form must put/have in place before it can commence e.g. all forms of health, safety and welfare of the setting must be put in place to ensure full safety of the child is being met. It is the Health Service Executive’s duty for inspecting and giving a report of information on pre-schools of any sort or kind who care for children from the age of zero-six years of age. The regulation is arranged in six parts – thirty-three regulations and can be broadly covered over the following areas: â€Å"Health, welfare and development of the child Notification and inspection by the Health Service Executive Record keeping Standard of premises and facilities General administration† (class notes) Policies and procedures must be drawn up and developed from these points. Children First 1999 Children First was first made available in the year 1999 but was later replaced with Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children 2011. The general rule of the document was left unchanged but acknowledges past inspections and reports and feedback, due to this the document had been edited to set out distinctive guidelines that individual roles should take is concerned for a child’s health, safety and welfare. Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children 2011 main aims are to ensure children’s health safety and welfare are being constantly met. That society are aware that they should not assume but should report any concerns regarding a child’s health and safety and realise that it is their responsibility to put this action into place. The legislation provides advise/support for parents/guardians in regards to their role as a parent/carer. Inspections made by the ‘Department of Education and Science’ will take place through-out schools of all sorts to  reinforce and ensure that the new legislation is being enforced. Siolta Siolta is made up of twelve principals, sixteen standard and seventy-five components. The twelve principals provide the base of the frame work. Without the principals the components wouldn’t be able to be put in place. The principals give direction for childcare workers on how they should carry out their work in an Early Childhood Care and Education environment, how to interact and communicate with children and fillies, how subjects should be taught and how the services that the childcare worker works in should be organised. The twelve principles contain: Equality – is a necessary aspect to have in a childcare setting, it is essential every child feels equal. Diversity- Every childcare setting should recognise that each child comes from very different backgrounds. It is the childcares settings responsibility to confirm that they understand, respect and accommodate this with visual aids e.g. posters, dolls from different ethnic backgrounds, chopsticks in the home area ec t. Environment- The physical layout of the setting should be organised to meet, encourage and develop the child’s abilities so the child can reach their full potential. Welfare- The child’s health, safety and welfare is essential and should be met as much as it possibly can be e.g. if a child has chicken pock’s, that child should be removed to a room where no other children are present the child’s parents should be contacted and the child shouldn’t return until it has cleared to prevent it infecting other children. The role of the adult- The adult working in the setting has a responsibility to make sure the child is making the most of their experience and are reaching full potential while in that adults company. Teamwork-Good communication and respect should be shown and practised in settings between the various workers in the setting. If there isn’t respect among workers, there won’t be good teamwork skills therefore the children present in that company will pick up on the negative energy and put what they have picked up on into practice. Pedagogy- The study and theory of the methods and principals of teaching should be put in place in early childhood care and education through holistic play, as this is the most appropriate method of learning for children of that age range. Play-Should be promoted, as it is an essential part in a child’s development  whether that be physical or theory learning. Sioltas sixteen standards are essential and necessary in services as it give guidance for workers within the service, IT gives guidance on how to act, provide and develop services with the setting. The standards contain various elements such as the various elements such as the child’s rights to the legislation and regulation. It’s from the sanders that the seventy-five components are made up. The components help meet the standard. Without the sixteen standards and seventy-five components the knowledge of the twelve principals wouldn’t be able to be put in place as effectively. Siolta was created to improve the way childcare is taught, organised, carried out and viewed in the Early Childhood Care and Education settings who cater for children from the age range of birth to six years of age. It â€Å"defines, assess and supports† these improvements. Early Childhood Care and Education settings and services taking part in the free school year must implement Siolta, making more demand for the service. (siolta) Aistear Aistear, was established by the Department of Education and Skills through NCCA in 2010. Aistear from the Irish word meaning ‘journey’, is of relevant importance to childcare settings where children from the ages of 0-6 years receive their care and education. Aistear works closely alongside Siolta and consists of an informal curriculum that contains twelve principles and themes that give guidance to the childcare worker. Aistear recognizes that education and care are not separate within the childcare sector and they aim to help children grow and develop independently. (Aistear) The manager The manager is required to have a minimum level 7/8 qualification in childcare, they have to manage the day-to-day routine of the preschool setting, ensuring that the developmental needs, safety and wellbeing of each individual child are being met. The manager may also be required to work unsocial hours and must attend to relevant meetings. The manager also has the responsibility to ensure the child protection policy is being implemented within the setting, recording and concerns and also ensuring high sanders of safety are being maintained at all times. (Class notes) The Childcare assistant The Childcare assistant is required to have a minimum of a level 5 qualification in childcare and previous experience is required. They assist in the day-to-day organisation and preparation of the childcare setting. The Childcare assistant must maintain all personal information of the individual children as confidential and at times have to work unsocial hours. The assistant must ensure the children within their care are receiving high standards of care, safety and wellbeing whilst also ensuring the developmental need of the children are being met accurately. The Childcare Assistant will have to at times participate in fundraising activities, special events and outings. They must strictly follow the Child Protection policy and report any concerns. (class notes) The Playgroup Leader The Playgroup Leader is required to have a minimum of a level 5 qualification in childcare and previous experience in childcare is required. The Playgroup Leader is required to manage the day-to-day routine of the playgroup. The playgroup leader has the responsibility to ensure the safety, wellbeing and developmental needs of the children are being continually being met. They must keep all personal information regarding the children within the service, children’s family and staff strictly confidential. Must strictly follow and promote the Child Protection Policy, ensuring high standers of hygiene and quality are being promoted within the setting. Organise regular meetings with parents throughout the year. Must regularly carry out appraisal on the staff’s performance, make sure all staff and volunteers have guard vetting. Must try to obtain good staff more and show respect to other staff members. Special Needs Assistant A Special Needs Assistant must have a minimum level5 qualification in childcare. Must ensure that all personal information regarding children or staff they work with remains confidently then it should be reported. Must strictly follow the Child Protection Act and make sure the developmental needs of the child are being met. The assists are recruited to help assist  and support children with special needs or difficult behaviour problems in schools. The assistants engage regularly with the parents of the special needs child, they also participate in fundraising activities, special events and outings to further help the child or children with special needs. Montessori teacher Must have a minimum level5 qualification in childcare. Must strictly follow the Child Protection Act and make sure the developmental needs of the child are being met, ensuring high standards of hygiene and quality are being promoted within the setting. A Montessori has the responsibly to provide opportunities for children so they can figure out how to do something for themselves. Must observe children within the setting and comment on their development. They provide challenging tasks for the children, so they make the best of their abilities. Organise meetings with the parents throughout the year. Detailed description of the qualifications and experience needed for work associated with on occupation in the ECCE sector. One occupation in the Early Child Care and Education sector I have chose to further evaluate on is the pre-school manager. The pre-school manager has many roles and responsibilities such as: Being strictly confidential within and outside the Early Childhood Care and Education setting in relaxation to keeping personal information about the children, their family and also the staff. Ensuring when planned activities are taking place that each individual child’s developmental needs are being met. Making sure that every area and all facilities of the Early Childhood Care and Education setting are being met to Sioltas standards. Has the role of preparing and creating curriculum plans for the staff to carry out in the Early Childhood Care and Education setting. Making sure that there is good staff morale, resolving any issues that arise promptly and effectively Making sure that there the Child Protection policy is being promoted and that the policy is being firmly stuck to. If any concerns are arisen then the manager must document and record this. Organise meetings with parents throughout the year to inform them and discuss such things as the child’s progression and also  adhering to any concerns raised by the parents. It is also a role and responsibility of the manager to prepare and organise special event and outings for the children attending the Early Childhood Care and Education setting. ( class notes) The preschool manager must have a minimum qualification of level of seven/eight in childcare.This qualification can be obtained in most IT’s. The duration of study that it would take to obtain this would be approximately three to four years depending on the level of qualification. To then further become a pre-school manager the level of experience the individual would need to have would depend on the Early Childhood Care and Education setting. Generally the minimum experience needed by the individual would be approximately two – four years. It would be appropriate that the individual had experience as a supervisor before becoming a pre-school manager. Employment and Career Opportunities in Childcare Funding that is made available to state to childcare services, such as the Equal Opportunities Childcare Programme, the Early Childhood Care and Education Scheme / Free Pre-School year and Community Childcare Solovention scheme make the option of childcare services more appealing and therefore increase the demand for childcare services. As a result of the increased demand for childcare services, the demand for employment opportunities also increases. The Early Childhood care and Education Scheme / Free Pre-school year (FPSY) was introduced in 2009. The scheme recognized the importance of qualifications within the childcare sector and as a result it introduced a minimum qualifications standard for pre-school leaders. An important feature of the scheme is that it offers more funding for better qualified staff and because of this feature it can increase or decrease an individual’s employment opportunities e.g. if an individual applied for a particular position in which the state requires the potential employee to hold a Level 7 qualification, and the candidate did not hold a Level 7 qualification,  that candidate will most likely not get the position as a result as their employment would not benefit the pre-school. The Community Childcare Subvention Scheme is a support scheme that was set up to aid and support non-profit childcare services/centres. This scheme does not support profit childcare services. The schemes main focus is to help the non-profit childcare services. This scheme allows non-profit childcare services to provide their services at a lower rate, which enables children with disadvantaged parents the opportunity to attend childcare services. Each Community based service that takes part in the Community Childcare scheme, has the responsibility to make a guideline available of the different rates for each type of service that they offer to parents. There are four types of fee rates available; and the parent/guardian will be offered the rate depending on what price band or category they fall into based on their individual financial situation. This scheme enables more access to all types of parents and therefore increases the demand for childcare services and effectively increases employment opportunities. Special Needs Assistant – Due to the downturn in the Irish Economy, there have been substantial cuts in Special Needs Assistants. It has been revealed that approximately 1200 Special needs assistant positions will be cut in the near future. (Class notes) If this happens, there will be a sharp decrease in the amount of employment opportunities available within the childcare sector. It is also thought that as a result of the cuts, individuals that currently hold a Level 7/8 qualification may not be willing to apply for job opportunities that become available due to the poor pay conditions and low status of the childcare positions. Progression of qualifications within the childcare sector e.g. achieving a Level 5 and progressing to a Level 6, Level 7 and Level 8 qualification is becoming more important to childcare workers to help them increase their employment opportunities. The better the qualification that a childcare worker obtains means they have a higher chance of securing employment within the childcare sector. E.g. If an advertisement is published in a newspaper for a childcare position, and an individual that holds a Level 5 applies  while also an individual what holds a Level 8 qualification also applies, the individual with the higher qualification i.e. the Level 8 qualification, will have a higher chance of getting the position. After obtaining a Level 8 qualification i.e. A Degree in childcare, which is generally obtained over a three year period, there is a career opportunity to continue to study towards a Primary school teaching qualification. A further two years of study in Teacher training is also required before obtaining a qualification as a Primary school teacher. After achieving a minimum of a Level 7/8 qualification, there is also the opportunity to become a manager within a childcare setting. An individual seeking to further their career or who wishes to pursue a career in management would also need sufficient experience within the early childcare and education setting to secure a higher position. This career opportunity can only become available for the individual if they have obtained a Level 7/8 qualification.